Chapter 6

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This was written by the amazing JoJoisawkward0706

I am taking over this story, but this is one of the original chapters. 

24 days

Andrew?! Why did he save me? He's just going to make thing bad for him and even worse for me...

"Dude what was that?!" I could practically hear Gabe growl. I backed away from him as much as I could, honestly scared that he might throw me back into the pool. "Why did you help the freak?!"

Andrew looked shocked "She could've died!" Gabe scoffed "She was just pretending like the attention wh*re that she is! Even if she did drown it's not like anyone would miss her!"

I blinked back tears, he was right. They'd probably complain about how they had to resurface the pool.

"I'd care!"

I looked up in shock. Was I imagining everything? That must be it, I'm at home still asleep in my bed.

Gabe got really still and quiet all of the sudden. "The way we treat her is inhumane! She has done nothing to any of you but you guys still talk down to her and I've seen you flat out slap her!" I heard a few gasps at that "if I could take away everything I've ever done to hurt her I would do it in an instance!"

Why? Why was he doing this?

He turned and looked at me "Jamie I am so sorry for everything." He said with a sincere look in his eyes "I know it'll be hard but I hope you'll forgive me." I couldn't say anything, my mind was a jumbled mess.

" choose her over us?" Gabe asked in a quiet tone of voice. Andrew nodded and helped me off the ground, where I've been seated, too physically and emotionally drained to move. I quickly hid behind him, trying to keep as many eyes off of me as possible.

Gabe scowled in my direction "You'll both regret this!" Before he stormed off with a trail of people following him like baby ducks following their mother.

"Are you okay?" Andrew asked me quietly. I shook my head "He t-tried to k-kill me..." Andrew flinched a little and looked down "I'm sorry, he did it so suddenly...I couldn't stop him." He looked so ashamed, like he was blaming himself.

"Andrew" I said quietly, god talking hurts my throat so much "it's not your f-fault." He looked really concerned "Your voice sounds really bad...I'll take you to the nurse!"

Normally I'd refuse to go but I wasn't exactly in my right mind. "Okay" I said and walked beside him out of the gym.

I kept quiet and tried to avoid making eye contact with anyone. Whatever just happened in the gym probably didn't help my case.

Andrew opened my door to the nurses office and I stepped in. I've been in here enough that everything is familiar, from the hospital smell to the three slightly off white beds. The only bit of color in the room is in the olive green curtains that they hung up for no apparent reason.

Mrs. Sanders walked out of her office and did a double take. "Jamie dear why are you all wet?" Honestly she's nicer than just about anyone that I know. "I fell in the p-pool and my shirt got c-caught in the drain..." I stuttered out wincing at the pain in my throat.

"Oh you poor thing go sit down!" She said pushing me towards the bed while Andrew stood awkwardly to the side. I would've laughed at how uncomfortable he looks but now was not the time.


"Okay hun you're all done! You should rest as much as you can, eat soft foods until your throat feels better, and don't talk too loudly." Mrs. Sanders explained after she had given me a quick check up. "I've called your brother and he'll be here to pick you up in about ten minutes." I nodded, biting my lip. I really hope that he doesn't get in trouble with his boss...

I looked up. "Thank you Andrew." I said quietly trying to stay within my restrictions. He looked up smiled, oh my lord he has dimples! "It was nothing Jamie, any person with half a heart should've gone in after you!"

I thought for a second "So what does that make all the people that watched?" He scoffed "They're obviously dementors in disguise." I laughed and immediately winced afterwards, okay so laughing is on the list of things I can't do. "Sorry!" Andrew apologized after seeing my face. "I should've thought about your throat..." I smiled a little "It's okay. It's kinda nice to laugh."

My phone went off with a text.

From Con-the-mon

I'm outside in the parking lot. Are your limbs fully functional or do I need to go in and carry you?

I smiled a little, the weird things that he says sometimes make me happy.

To Con-the-mon

Luckily there wasn't a shark in the pool just water for me to breathe in :P

"My brother's here." I said to Andrew, he got up and nodded. "Okay I'll walk you out." He said nonchalantly, I felt my cheeks warm as I stood up and walked out of the nurses office.

"Thanks for everything Andrew." I said quietly when we got to the front doors. He smiled a little "You're welcome." I smiled back and walked quickly to my brothers car.

Connor raised an eyebrow "Who was that? " I looked down smiling a little. 

"A friend."

He saved meWhere stories live. Discover now