Chapter 1

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((Tord is a tiny gremlin and Tom is just tall. Enjoy the story.))

Tord's POV

Tord gulped nervously as he stood in front of Tom's house. Why was he even doing this? It's been a few years since the...'incident', happened, and he knew that his "friends" obviously wouldn't like him after what happened. He sighed, hesitating slightly before raising his arm, softly knocking on the door. This was it, there's no turning back now. Just apologize for what happened, try to get them to forgive you, then leave. Yeah, that's the plan. He snapped out of his thoughts as the door opened, with Edd standing at the entrance.


Shiiit. Tord looked up at Edd, nervously smiling and waving at him. "Uh, hey."

"What are you doing here?" Edd asked, raising a brow.

Abort mission, Red Leader. ABORT MISSION. Tord rubbed the back of his neck, thinking over what he should say. 'Hey, I'm sorry for destroying your house and almost killing you in the process of betrayal?' Nope. 'Sorry for making you think that I killed Tom the idiot?' Definitely no. All these ideas are 100% bad, and they don't help with the situation at all. Are you trying to be forgiven or do you want them to start punching you in the face??

"I just.....wanted to apologize. For everything that happened before. I know it's way too late for that, know," Tord was mumbling now at this point, looking down at the floor in embarrassment. What was the point in even doing this? They'll hate you either way.

"..It's alright, Tord."

"Sorry for even coming here- wait, what?"

Tord quickly looked up at Edd. Is he crazy? "I said it's alright, Tord." Edd repeated, smiling now. Edd is definitely crazy. This isn't alright, you nearly killed your friends! "B-but, I almost killed you guys! I destroyed your home! You should be hating me, not forgiving me like nothing ever happened!" Tord was almost shouting, starting to tear up. Edd sighed and was about to speak when he was interrupted by a tall guy in a blue hoodie. "Edd, I'm trying to sleep here, what the hell is even happening?"

Wait, hold on.

Blue hoodie?


Tom's POV

Tom was about to sleep at first, after an entire day of having to deal with Matt's 'magic' mirror problem. He shifted around on his bed before hearing the door open, then Edd talking to someone. Who the fuck would want to visit at this time? Probably Eduardo and his lame excuse for a team. After a while, the stranger started to speak at a louder tone. Weird, he sounds like..Tord? Nah, it's probably just you being paranoid. Tord can't possibly come back. Well whoever it is, if he can't keep quiet, then Tom will have to solve the problem, like always. He put on his hoodie and walked downstairs, moving towards Edd. "Edd, I'm trying to sleep here, what the hell is even happening?" Edd looked over at Tom and grinned. "Oh, it's Tord! He came to visit us!"


Is he serious? Tom looked over at Tord, glaring at him. "What, so we're going to let a possessed gremlin come visit us?"

Tord huffed and glared back at him. "I'm just a little short. I'm a full grown man for fucks sake."

"You look more like a 10-year-old." Tom snickered, looking down at Tord.

"Shut up, Jehova's witness." Tord clenched his fists, growling softly.

"Whatever, Commie." Tom said, rolling his (probably non-existent voidy) eyes.

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