Chapter 2

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Tord's POV

Who the fuck does this guy think he is? It's not fair, he grew faster than you! "Guys, stop fighting!" Edd said, crossing his arms angrily. "Why can't you two just get along?"

"He destroyed our home and tried to kill us! Why should I trust him?!" Tom looked over at Edd, who frowned. "He came here to apologize, Tom. He's a different person now." Tom growled and mumbled a small 'whatever' before walking away, probably back to his stupid room. Edd sighed, shaking his head. "Sorry about that, Tord. Come in!" Tord nodded and stepped in, closing the door behind him.

Edd and Tord just sat down on the couch and talked a bit, mostly just asking each other about what they've done for the past few years.

"Oh yeah, Tord! Would you like to come and move over again?" Edd asked, grinning. Tord sighed and shook his head. "Um, no thanks, Edd..I just only came here to apologize and stuff."

"Oh c'mon, you can sleep in Tom's room!" Tord immediately looked up at Edd, eyes wide. Yep, this is how you're going to die. You're going to be stuck in a room with the person you hate, and he's going to beat you to death. "Seriously Edd, I'm fine-"

"I'll take that as a yes, now follow me!" Edd stood up, quickly walking up to Tom's room.

Whelp, time to text Paul and Patryk your last words.

Tord sighed and followed behind Edd. Maybe Tom would be unusually nice and not try to beat him up for once?

Tom's POV

Tom was already back to sleep, tossing his hoodie to the side of his room and hiding in his blanket. Why the fuck would Tord be here? And why is Edd letting him live here?? Tom sighed and closed his eyes, starting to slowly fall asleep before hearing the door slam open. Oh my god, what do they want now. Tom huffed and got up grumbling softly. "The door's going to break soon if you keep doing that, Edd." Edd rolled his eyes before walking over to the side of Tom's bed, with Tord hiding behind him.

"So I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" Edd said, grinning at Tom. "Uh, good news?" Edd grinned even wider, poking Tom in the face. "The good news is...Tord's not going to stay here."

That's a relief. "So...what's the bad news, then?"

"I lied. Tord's going to have to sleep in this room with you."


"Dude, are you serious?" Tom glared at Edd, glancing over at Tord, who's still hiding behind Edd.

"Yep, I'm serious! Since you guys can't get along, I figured it'd be a good idea to let Tord sleep in this room."

Tord's POV

You should've just left after apologizing. This wouldn't have happened then. Tord sighed and watched as Edd left the room, leaving a defenseless Tord alone with someone who probably has the power to break Tord's spine. Tom glared at Tord and sighed, rolling over to the side of the bed and closing his eyes, wrapping the blanket over himself. Well, I guess you still have your hoodie to keep you warm. Tord shrugged and hesitated a bit before carefully laying down on the bed, making sure not to touch Tom at all.

But since the bed's way too small and can only fit one person, Tord is completely pressed up against Tom's back.

Yep, you're dead. You're 100% dead.

As Tord waits for Tom to start ripping him into small pieces, he doesn't do it. Tom's probably asleep. That's a good thing, right?

Tord sighed as he closed his eyes, starting to fall asleep when Tom shifted to the side, tightly hugging Tord.


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