Chapter 7

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((wOwiE look at those r e a d s))
<<This entire thing is just Tom's POV, I guess.>>
"Well? What is it?" Tord asked.
You weren't exactly sure what you're supposed to say.
"Uh, I..forgot?" Tom mumbled, extremely embarrassed. Tord just huffed and rolled his eyes, taking a sip from the Smirnoff he took from the fridge.

"Whatever, just stop standing there being all weird and shit. It's creeping me out." Tord mumbled, making Tom sigh.

Jeez, does he really have to be that rude?

Tom just gave up and walked out of the room. It's no use telling him when you can't even speak proper words.
~Ay, time skips~
Tom sighed as he stared blankly at the television, leaning back on the couch. He didn't really bother on checking if Tord was up to some shitty evil plan. He just hoped Tord was too lazy to even do anything right now.

Or not.

The first thing that hit him in the face when Tord came out of the room is the smell of alcohol and...
..well, more alcohol. Which is definitely a bad thing.
"Heey Tooom~" Tord said, clearly drunk from all that stolen Smirnoff.
"Uh- hey." Tom said softly. He felt his face heat up, and he mentally facepalmed himself for being like this. Calm down, Tom. He's just drunk. You'll be fine if-
Tom starts freaking the fuck out as Tord sits on his lap.
He also feels like he's almost dying as Tord leans in.
"T-Tord, what are you doing...?"
Tord just moved back a bit to look at Tom, smirking a bit. "I thought you would like this."
"Why would you think I like this at all??" Tom answered, huffing and lightly pushing Tord away.
Tord shrugged, getting up and laying down next to him. Tom sighed and shook his head, standing up from the couch. He was about to leave when Tord grabbed his arm. "What now, commie."
"...I might've puked on the bed and broke a few bottles." Tord mumbled, probably still drunk off his ass. "..great, now I can't even sleep on my own bed. Good for you, commie bastard. You earned yourself some punches to the face when you stop being so fucking drunk."
Tord probably didn't even hear what he said. He just gave the most stupidest laugh before falling asleep on the couch, snoring loudly.

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