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"Hi" I say as I approach Gino "hey Chlo" he says as he closes his locker he steps forward and kisses me, I step back and say with a happy voice "my parents are letting me move into the guest house!" "That's great!" "And I was wondering if you would help me move in, I know it's not a big task but I just want some help, also there's one more thing..." I say looking at me feet. "Ya?" He ask "Ricky will be there too." I tell him "I mean it's fine with me if it's fine with him." "Ok, well I got to get going we ya later!" I go to my locker while Gino and Ricky talk "Hey Ricky!" "Oh hi Gino" Ricky says looking at his feet "I've been meaning to talk to you, I am very, very, very sorry I just was jealous of you, i mean you and Chlo were always hanging out and she saw more in you than me but, I mean what I'm getting to is Chloe is an amazing person! And I love her so much! But when I see you To together I want to have that too, and then I wanted to try to have it so I cheated on her so I could but it didn't happen and when I went to the bathroom that night because I was texting was because she broke up with me and I had seen my mistake and I was gonna say sorry. But she had left with you, and I got jealous. Do you understand what I'm getting to?"  "I'm sorry too, I always had doubt in you and I shouldn't have, I always thought you just wanted to take advantage of Chloe but you didn't I'm truly sorry too." "It's ok honestly it really did seem like I was and shouldn't have." "Ya well I gotta go." Ricky said and smiled.

I was packing my stuff up in boxes when Ricky walked in "hey" I said and kissed him "hey" he says in a sad voice "are you ok?" "Ya kind of." "Spill!" "Well my parents kicked me out of the house." He whispers softly "awww, Ricky I feel so bad!" I say the hug him tightly "I have no where to go" he tells me "I don't have any money either" he takes a break "I can't get a place. I mean I have my job, but it doesn't pat enough" I felt really bad and all of the sudden without even thinking I blurt out "You can move in with me!" "Really Chlo! Thank you so much! I'll have my stuff over here tomorrow!" "Ok that will work!" "Alright he says. What did I just do? I think to myself.

After Gino got here we packed stuff up and found some stuff that I didn't even know I had until Ricky yelled me over with a storage box. "What's this Chlo?" He asked "please don't mess with it!" I said it a lot more mean then I wanted to "I'm sorry Ricky I didn't want that to sound that rude I'm just really protective over it." "It's ok Chlo"

We went to get dinner and then both of the boys left and I went home. To open up the box to see all of my ALDC stuff and then I think of how much I miss everyone!

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