Sorry not sorry toby~12(final)

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Cat:that right this is the end chapter guys  I didn't even warn you about this but oh well let's start and Toby just hit 9 months
Toby's pov

"Tim a-are you in here" I walked into the living room I had looked all over the house i was the only one on the house ya sure Tim had gotten a job at a restaurant but he worked second shift and some times third but he had taken the next two weeks off because of the surgery for the baby I would have to have witch I was having today

"Tim this not f-funny we n-need to get ready" I was about to walk out of the room but I noticed that I knife was stuck in the coffee table with a paper under it "why is that out it should be in the block with all the other knifes"

I walk over pulled the knife out of the table and pick up the paper then I noticed that it was a note sure we put notes down but it was for stuff to get from the store or thing for me to do for the day but the they go on the fridge or on the nightstand I lifted the note up and started to read

Toby sorry you have to find out this way but the nights I never came home I was ether drunk or with the girl I found that I have been cheating you with that I'm now engaged with so I'm sorry I was just messing around with you and your feelings for the past year or so. I don't care if you keep the kid or not but remember Rogers's you have three to four year left in that house so have fun you little twitching bitch

I had to rub my eyes then read it again then fell to my knees "why Tim why"I sat there crying with a hand resting on my baby bump for a good ten minutes then I felt a hand land on my shoulder "Toby it's time" "okay just g-give me a m-minute" "just come up to your room ok"

I nodded then got up the floor then slowly moving up the stairs to walk to ou-my room now "you ok Toby" "ya let's get this over with" "ok just lay down" I did as I was told and dr.smiley and nurse Ann got to work then everything turned black

~time skip of 4 hours so it like 5pm~

I slowly woke up to the sound of a somewhat high pitch crying "hmm" "just relax Toby we will hand her" "ok" I sat up a bit "what to hold them" "them I was only having o-one" "uh surprise" "what did I have" "boy and a girl" "can I hold them" "of course"

Nurse Ann laid the both of them in my arms I heard a click or snap sound I looked up to find Ann with a camera "A-Ann please" "one last thing" I watched Ann grab some papers and a pen I felt something twitching I looked down and saw my baby girl's arm twitching a bit hitting my chest

"Don't worry about her twitching she has your Tourette's along with your cipa" "what about" "he is fine so what do you want to name them" I look at my baby boy he had light brown hair almost like Tim's but slightly lighter then his he slowly opened his eye to reveal a pair of green eyes

"His name is going to be Alex jack Rogers" "ok what about your daughters name" I looked at her and I basically saw myself but as a girl "her name is Tina sky Rogers" "ok that's it sadly me and dr.smiley can't say here for much longer we have to leave tomorrow" "so soon"

I heard the twins yawn and I looked down to find Tina fast away but Alex as still wide awake and moving around making it hard to hold him "when can I get out of bed" "now just be careful ok better yet let me hold Tina"

I let Ann take her then I got out of the bed still holding Alex safe in my arm "I haven't seen the nursery so" "come on go in" I opened the door to find it perfect I walked in and set Alex down as Ann put Tina down in her bed

"This room is perfect how did you do this" "hoodie is the one who did this for you next time you see him give him a hug he needs one" "will do j-just tell him to visit" "ok will do" "does Jeff know" "yes why"

I walked over to the window after kissing the top of Alex's head and locked the window then walked to Tina's crib and kissed the top of her head as well "we're Tim at" "he is gone" "meaning" "he had been cheating on me with a girl he had meet and is supposedly engaged with as well"

I got pulled into a hug I started crying "it's ok Toby you will find someone who cares about you much more then cheater boy did" "I know" i stepped back after Ann let me go then we heard a knock on the door "I will hand it Toby you stay up here"

I nodded and watched Ann leave the room I sit down in a rocking chair that was in the room and looked out the window and looked at the sun setting making the sky different colors "Toby, hoodie is here to see you"  "ok let him in silly"

Next thing I know is that I'm being pulled into a hug and out if my chair "Toby things are not the same without you at the manor"  I hugged hoodie back "I-I can tell well things are not good here" hoodie stepped back "what does that mean"

I put the note out and handed it to hoodie who read it pretty quick then hugged me again "you want me to stay here" "p-please I can't do this a-alone" "I will stay how long do you have left" "two to three years" "ok"

I be honest Tim's hug never felt this warm and cuddly even with a hoodie on "Toby" "hmm" "why are you rubbing your face into my hoodies" "i-it warm and cuddly" "wasn't Tim all cuddly with you" "no he was basically never h-here" "why" "he was always out doing something" "well then"

I didn't want to move from hoodie's arms I felt safe with him more then I ever did with Tim maybe Tim was just a big mistake a huge mistake if that "Toby did you even like Tim" "ya I liked him" "more then a friend" "ya a bit but not much"

I felt hoodie squeeze me a bit "you ok hoodie" "I'm more then ok now" "what's going on at the manor" "Jeff is looking for you and wants to kill you" "ok so nothing too out of the ordinary" "no he is hunting you down to kill you"

I banged my head on hoodie "Toby calm down you cuddle bug" I could feel my face turn red I heard hoodie starting to laugh then hug me "I could get used to this very fast especially when he is hot as hell and is staying for a long time"

The end

All most there

Did you think that was the end lol back to the story

Hoodies pov

"Omfg Toby is so adorable and cute how could you do this to him Tim why I thought you loved him"  Toby was buried himself in my hoodie(hoodie: ok that's low me: I didn't want you to sound like Tim are you Tim noooo so shut your trap hoodz hoodie: 😶)

I couldn't help myself but i had to keep looking at him with his face all red like a tomato "how long a-are you staying" "the whole time that you are here" "ok" I rubbed Toby's back who fell asleep after a min

"Toby wake up you dummy do I look like a bed to you" "yes now hush" "fine"

Ok now it's the end I have decided the make a second book to go with it so you all have to wait for that till next time waffles 😸 and the second book will be up and have the first chapter hopefully by next week

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