2. What Is This Island?

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2. What Is This Island?

"Are we there yet?" Maui asked in a bored tone. "We've been sailing for two days and I haven't seen another island in sight- or anything really."

"Fog bank!" Moana yelled. Maui jerked his head up to see a large and thick fog already starting to roll in.

"Oh great, I hate fog!" Maui groaned. "This is not good, not good! We have to turn back now!"

"No! We keep going forward!" Moana insisted and pointed to the water. "Trust me on this Maui, we have to keep going forward."

"Heck no! Who knows what is in that fog! Look it's already surrounding us!" And he was right, the fog had now enveloped them in its thick grey blanket. "Turn back now before we crash into a-"

"BOAT!" Moana yelled. Maui grabbed the oar and turned the ship to the left to avoid a large boat.

"That's not like any sort of boat I've seen." Maui said looking back at the said object before turning his attention to the front. "I think we sailed a little too far Moana."

"Ocean where did you take us?" Moana asked, kneeling down on the floor. She stuck her hand into the water and yanked it out. Ice cold. "I think we went the wrong way."

"Yep definitely off course." Maui said trying to peer through the fog. "Stay here' I'm gonna fly up to see if there is a clearing up ahead."

"No wait-" Moana started but Maui had already transformed into a hawk and flew off. "Great. Leave me alone in the creepy fog with the ocean for company."

After what felt like hours, Moana heard the sound of wings coming close from above.

"Finally! What took you so long?" She asked when Maui landed back on the boat.

"There's an island up ahead, but it doesn't look like anything we've ever seen!" Maui said gesturing ahead with his wing. "We're getting close to getting out of this fog too."

"Well it's a good thing I didn't stop the boat right? Moan chuckled.

Maui flew up and landed on the top of the perch of the sail and told her whether to go left or right. Soon the fog began to fade away, revealing nothing but a vast grey sea and a large speck in the distance that was growing bigger.

"What's so strange about that island?" Moana asked, peering at the growing speck.

"Well there are some very pale and oddly dressed humans, and they are riding on some sort of winged beasts." Maui explained, hoping down from the sail and transforming back to a human. "One of those flew right at me and spat fire! I nearly lost my face feathers!"

"Maybe w should head back." Moana said glancing back the way they came. The ocean rose up and quickly shook it's head and pointed at the direction of the island.

"I don't think we have a choice Moana." Maui aid sitting at the rear of the boat and taking the oar. "What if that's where the ocean wanted us to go?"

"Well let's hope the humans are more friendlier than those monsters." Moana said with a shaky sigh and pointed forward. "Strange island full speed ahead!"

"You got it chosen one! Next stop: strange and new island, where pale humans and freaky flying monsters reside!" Maui yelled, releasing some of the sail to let the wind push them forward. "And no turning back!"

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