9. A Dragon Of My Own

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9. A Dragon Of My Own

"She's not dead is she?" Fishlegs asked nervously as the gang stood around the bed Moana laid on.

"If she's breathing, then she's not dead." Snotlout pointed out. "She's just unconscious."

The young wayfinder started to shift under the thin blankets and slowly opened her eyes. Everyone gave a sigh of relief as Maui pushed his way forward and scooped her up into his arms.

"You had me so worried Moana! Me and mini Maui! I don't know what I was going to tell your parents if something happened to you!" The demigod sobbed as Moana looked at the riders in confusion. "I seriously thought you were dead! I saw something in the water that looked like a manta ray and thought your grandmother came to claim your soul!"

"I did see something that looked like a manta ray and thought it was my grandma." Moana said helpfully as Maui put her down on the bed. "But it wasn't glowing."

"I think it was." Tuffnut said with a shrug.

"Are you okay?" Eret asked stepping forward. "You took a pretty big hit from a titan Seashocker."

"And it looked really painful." Fishlegs added. "You're lucky it didn't electricute you."

"Just a little sore." Moana admitted and rubbed the back of her head. "But otherwise I'm fine. If I fell to the water, who rescued me."

"Oh I saw who it was!" Tuffnut exclaimed. "While we were all fighting Seashockers to keep them from attacking you, Eret leapt right into the water with Skullcrusher!"

"Along with Maui." Eret said glancing at the demigod who nodded. "But then the weirdest thing happened."

"What was it?" Moana asked, already beginning to get curious.

"A Seashocker from one of the pods swam out to us and swam under us and swam us away from the fight." Eret explained. "Honestly I was quite surprised that it abandoned it's pod just to go and save you."

"It's actually a female and she's waiting outside by the beach." Hiccup said. "Are you up to go outside and meet your rescuer?"

Moana nodded and got off of the bed. After putting her boots back on and thanking the healer Gothi for helping, the group headed out towards Thor's beach. As they were walking along the shore with their dragons, Moana kept her eyes on the ocean in hopes of catching a glimpse of her water dwelling rescuer.

"There she is." Eret said pointing to something in the water. He gave a loud whistle and it swam right up to the shore.

The two headed sea dragon gave a gentle screech and looked at Moana with what she guess was a smile. She removed her boots, rolled up her pants and wadded out into the water. The Seashocker swam closer to her and began to swim in circles around Moana. She giggled and began to sway her arms gently as the dragon swam in circles around her.

"What is she doing?" Snotlout whispered to Maui.

"Dancing with the dragon, it's something she'd do with a stingray when she saw a pod of them come close to the shore of her island." Maui explained. "Makes her feel more connected to her grandmother when she dances with them."

"I'll name one head Kai and the other head Tide." Moana called out from the water and turned to face them, still dancing.

"Hey that rhymes." Eret chuckled and sat down on the sand.

"If you all want you can join us in the water." Moana added, turning to face the horizon.

"No thanks, I'm fine." Snotlout said shaking his head.

Without saying anything, Astrid and Eret both removed their boots and waded out towards the water. Some manta rays had already wandered close to them and were quietly circling the group and the Seashocker.

"Well I'm going in." Maui said placing his hook down on the sand and wadded out into the water to join his friends.

"Her new friend really seems to like her." Fishlegs said to Hiccup as Kai and Tide bumped into Moana and caused her to fall onto them.

"I can see that." Hiccup said and smiled. "Maybe that wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"Think Maui is now gonna want a dragon?"

"Probably not, after what happened."

The twins had already jumped into the water to touch the manta rays as Moana tried balancing on Kai and Tide's back and kept loosing her balance. Eret or Maui had to rush over to help her up and she's always bat them away and attempt to get on her dragon again and again.

"Hey if she asks, I was the one who gave her that mouth to mouth thing to give her air." Snoulout whispered to Hiccup who just shook his head with a laugh.

"If she asks I'm telling her the truth, it was Eret and Maui who did it." Fishlegs said rolling his eyes.

"Hey guys check this out!" Moana yelled.

The three Vikings looked to the water to see the young chief balanced on her dragon and swimming around the group in circles. "I think I'm getting the hang of this!"

"Well then we'll have to figure out how to keep you attached to her when you go faster!" Hiccup yelled back as the gang and Maui cheered. "Keep it up Moana!"

"This is amazing!!"

Big thank you to SpiritOfPeace for making the cover to the book. Check out his cover and edit shop book if you want one just like it!

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