And I didn't have the heart to wake them up...

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Disclaimer: This is just a re-imagining of a stupid fanboy about what might have happened around the time of Tyler's (admittedly adorable) Tweet. None of this is actually real - at least so I think - APART FROM THE TWEETS AND THEIR TIMING, so, uh, don't take any of  this too seriously,  it's just meant to be a cute little (love?bromance?)story,  ship with respect  and... well, have fun reading ;)
- RoRo [RollercoasterRodeo]


"Ethan! Kathryn, dinner' s rea-...Oh. "
As soon as I left the kitchen and entered the living room I saw the blue haired and the brunette sleeping soundly on the couch.
How could they possibly fall asleep in such a short amount of time time?
" Well, it's been a long day, I guess. And they definetely deserve some rest.", I thought to myself, smiling a little.
Still that was something you'd normally only expect of little children.
And especially Ethan, with his face squashed against the pillow, laying there like a little baby, looked like one, too.

"Guess that makes me a dad then...", I thought, internally laughing about my own joke. And hey, that was something worth tweeting, wasn't it?
Sure a lot of my followers would find that just as adorable to see as I did.
With this in mind I  quickly got my smartphone and tweeted it out, but not without a proof, of course!
So I took a picture of the two sleeping beauties, luckily they didn't wake up in the process.
I sat down on a chair, somewhere close to Ethan and Kathryn, checking the responses.
I was right, they totally DID think it was cute.
Ha, knew it!

Amy wanted to know what this Tweet was all about, so I answered that they fell asleep while I was cooking some food and I didn't have the heart to wake them up.
Which was only partly true, actually the thought of waking them up didn't really 
occur to me yet. But thinking about it, no,
I really wouldn't have been able to.
Kathryn yeah, maybe, but putting Ethan out of his heavenly slumber?  No way!
And why should I even do that?
Just so that they could grab something to eat? I mean microwaves exist, they could also just heat up the food tomorrow morning anyway!
But wouldn't it be better if they slept in their own beds? Most couches are really uncomfortable to sleep on, but they were probably way too tired to care about that.
"I sure as hell can't carry them to their bedrooms, plus that would be weird, wouldn't it?", I thought, shaking my head while I read some tweets.
Quickly though, I got bored of it and put my phone away. While asking myself what else I could possibly do, I looked at Ethans squashed pillow face and I couldn't help but smile. He did look pretty adorable, yes, and somehow especially while sleeping like that.

The time flew by fast, good an hour, maybe even two had passed,  and the only way I spend it was by reading some more tweets whenever I could possibly lay my eyes off of Ethan. And truth be told, my efforts not to spend the entire time staring at him were pretty useless. I did it for most of the time anyway.
There was just something about the way he slept there so peacefully, smiling and clutching the pillow from time to time and softly letting go of it that made me not being able to look away for long.
Wasn't there anything else I could do?
Some people had suggested me to put a blanket over him, so why not doing that?
Sure, here in L.A.  it's usually really hot,
but that doesn't mean that the nights can't be cold, huh?
Plus I thought I would have something
nice to show my lovely  followers later.
It didn't go exactly as planned though.

Well, I did get a think blue blanket to put over the adorable blue haired, but as soon as I put the blanket over him and leaned closer to to make sure everything from his neck downwards is tucked in, he asked.
"Tyler....are you...are you putting a blanket over me?"
Slightly embarassed I quickly turned my head to him and stuttered something along the lines of  "Oh, uh... s-sure. What else does it look like?"
Ethan rubbed his eyes, seemingly still half in some kind of sleep trance, but he smiled happily.
And this beautiful smile melted my heart.
"Thank you, Tyler, that's nice of you!", he thanked me and crawled a little bit more into the blanket, yawning afterwards.
"Uhm...are you sure you don't want to go to your own bedroom?", I then asked him.
He shook his head and told me that he'd only lay down for around ten more minutes.
"Before you fall asleep again, do you want to eat something? It's never good to sleep with an empty stomach. So....If you want something, food is in the kitchen.", I suggested.
"You sound like my moooom!", he groaned and got up. He was right though, I must have sounded like a parent. I giggled at that thought.
"What are you laughing at now, TyLOR?", he wanted to know, pronouncing my name weirdly on purpose.
"Oh, nothing, nothing, well, apart from the fact that I officially became a parent way before you said I were!", I announced, waving my phone with the tweet right in front of him.
"YOU TWEETED THAT?!", Ethan shouted surprised. That woke up Kathryn too, she didn't say anything though, she just got up and  looked at us with an annoyed "guys, seriously? I was sleeping!!!"- look.
That was... probably not good.
So I needed to do something. ANYTHING.
"How about we all get something to eat?", I offered. They both agreed and the food got eaten the same say I made it.

But this is not the end of it, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Ethan told Kathryn about the tweet, and of course they wanted their "sweet revenge".
So I got thrown at with some pillows, until they made a photo of me being covered in pillows,  completely defenseless, because I was trying to defend myself from even more pillows that could be thrown any second.
We had some nice laughs for the rest of the day, until it was my turn to fall asleep on the couch. The day after I didn't just see a picture of me sleeping by Ethan on my newsfeed, I woke up also tugged in the same blue blanket I wrapped around the blue haired when he was fast asleep.

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