From insecurities and lost footage

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Hello there everyone,
I am so glad that you guys seem to like the story collection so far :)
Thank you guys so much for reading, voting, commenting and giving it a star, it really motivates me to write even more!
Oh boy, I hope that the second story can keep up with the first one, so, u-uhm, uh, e-even if it doesn't, please stick around, there might come out another story that you like and you'd miss out on it if you leave...
This story is about Ethan's Tweet regarding the 1st part of "The Last Guardian", you know, that he lost the Facecam footage at around half of the recording session and all^^' Poor Ethan, I feel his pain, there's nothing worse than loosing video footage, especially if you want to make a series extra good!
But back to the story:
Please keep in mind that everything but the tweet and the loss of footage is entirely fictional, ship with respect,  and with that out of the way, again a big THANK YOU for all the support and have fun reading :)
-RoRo [RollercoasterRodeo]

// Ethans P.O.V. //

"Ohw, maaaan, really?", I whined, staring at my desktop in total disbelieve.
That wasn't really happening to me, was it?
I let out a sigh, closing my eyes for a second to calm myself down and then searched through single every folder I could possibly find. Twice, just to make sure,
but I didn't have any success.
It was still gone.
There was no way to get it back somehow.
Every attempt of restoring the data failed completely.
On the screen was only the facecam material for something around the first thirty minutes out of the good fifty minutes that I  recorded.

"C'mon, you can't just be gone now!  SERIOUSLY? NO! Why now? Why this game!?", I complained, again, out loud, even though there was clearly no one else but me around. And the technology sure as hell couldn't hear it...or care less about it.
Which doesn't hinder me from verbally letting out my anger anyway when it fucks up some stuff, in this case important stuff, like loosing some footage of a game that I really, really enjoyed and wanted to make extra good!

"Who are you talking to?", Tyler wanted to know, suddenly standing right next to me.
Totally embarassed I turned around to him,
just staring at him with a shocked look.
To be honest, I did not hear him opening the door and walk through it, but maybe only because I've been way too busy having a one-sided argument with my computer,
and foolishly tried to recover what's apparently already lost for all eternity.
"Ethan? Are you okay? ", a worried tone could be heard in his voice as he asked me that. I quickly nodded and tried to act as natural as possible. Which completely failed.
"Yeah, sure! Everything alright! Everything's  a okay, haha", I quickly said and nervously laughed it off.
Why exactly was I doing that again?
Well, in retrospective I have to say I NOW know exactly why, and it was only the beginning of  this 'acting strangely' around him, but at this point in time I was mad at myself because I thought I could finally stop caring about what they'd think of me, and stop wanting to impress them, because I was on the same level as them, we were real friends, and I wasn't just some kind of small youtuber and fanboy anymore.
In my heart I'll always be, but...
Things have changed, so why would I still try to be the best I could around Tyler? I could just be myself around Mark and everyone else, from Bob to Wade! And normally Tyler, too!  They all accepted me for who I was anyway, so why did I keep trying?

"Ethan, don't lie to me...", Tyler said and looked me deep inside my eyes.
He just hates lies, of course, who doesn't? 
And this one was pretty obvious and unecessary,  that was probably not good.
He wouldn't get violent or anything, I knew that, but there was something about this serious, cold stone-faced glare, that frightened me a little.
I gulped.
"I-I'm sorry I", was all I could stutter, taking a step back. Luckily Tyler's gaze softened and he seemed a little bit more worried now. 
"Something is obviously wrong, so what is it?", he asked. Before I answered him I let out another sigh.
"It's stupid. I lost the footage of my facecam halfway through the video, and I wanted it to be super good, because I like the game, "The Last Guardian" really is an awesome game, and people must have high expectations on the let's plays of it too, because everyone has played it, and I'm frustrated now because it's gone and because I don't want to let anyone down...This.. this is just horrible! Agh!  A-and then you walked in while I was talking to the computer, which is embarassing enough, and for some reason I thought it would make you like me less or something, which is why I was being so awkward just now and - ", I started, but Tyler cut me off.
Not with words, he just hugged me.
And this was apparently enough to shut me up. Maybe it was even exactly what I needed at that moment.

"I doubt that there are things in this world that would make me like you less...Are you calm now?" , he asked.
I was still in a real confused state, but to be honest yes, Tyler's warm embrace and soft voice really calmed me down.
They nearly let me forget about my problem for a few seconds too. I nodded, but then quickly started to get nervous again, as my mind wandered off to what I was worried about before: The lost footage!
"B-but Tyler, what about the video now? I can't just upload it like that, can I? I want it to be good. What if my subscribers get mad at me for that?", I began to picture the worst scenarios in my head.
Now it was Tyler who let out a sigh.
"It's gonna be good anyway, your subscribers will understand, just like me, Mark, Kathryn and Amy they love you no matter what, okay?" , he tried to assure me.
I just nodded and hugged him.
"Sorry, guess I needed that.", I just said, quickly pulling away. He smiled and shook his head.
"It's okay! Never apologize for something like that. Whatever makes you happy - as long as it doesn't harm other people, which is completely irrelevant here- is good. ", he spoke, his smile growing even bigger.
"Oh, Tyler, I wish I was as good with words as you. Thank you, really", I thanked him from the bottom of my heart.

A few minutes later tried to explain all my followers on Twitter what happened with the footage and hoped that nobody would get mad at me...or even worse!
But luckily Tyler was right and no one did.
They truly are amazing!
This is why I love each and every single one of my subscribers.
They allow me to be myself, too.
And I am really grateful for that.

"Thank you Tyler, you're the best :)", I messaged him after I read the mostly positive replies.
"You're welcome, it was nothing ;) ", he texted back.
"Nothing but a really comfy hug and good'ol words of wisdom,  huh?", I asked him, kind if imitating Mark when he tried to be goofy on purpose.
"Haha :'D Okay, who are you and what did you do to my blue boy? Ethan, if you can read this, type 1 to say you're okay, 2 if you want me to save you and 3 if you want another hug."
I couldn't help but laugh at this.
"1.... and 3."
"Then come over?"
"On my way :)"
With a smile I laid phone on a nearby table and walked up to Tyler's room.

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