You'll never know if you don't try!

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Hey there!
Finally I found a little bit of inspiration to write a new short story, this time from Tyler's P.O.V. (as you may know I normally mostly choose to write from Ethan's perspective) and I wanted to tell you guys that I've reached a point where I'm probably gonna need a little bit longer to upload. I still ship Tythan, a lot actually,  BUT I like to keep my stories as far in the "possible-realm" as possible and I don't want it to be too much of 'the same stuff' either, because I don't want it to get boring, so, uh... I hope that makes sense! I'm just not too fond of AU's unless the pairing is really practically totally impossible anyway or it's a completely different thing with probably more than just this one pairing. Like: 'What would the Youtubers we know and love do in a survival game as shown in future diary/Mirai Nikki?'
So I might make a YouTube AU collection for something like that (and of course DA GAY!),
if you're interested in stuff like that,  feel free to check it out! :) Everything from Septiplier, Phan and Natepat up to Jelix and ...whatever Nate and Dookie are called is possible ;)
And if you have some special requests, don't be shy to talk to me, I'll probably try to write it :)
I've talked enough, haven't I? As always, ship respectfully, don't take anything to seriously and have fun reading!
- RoRo [RollercoasterRodeo] 


Whenever I looked at Ethan I noticed a small new detail about him, was it how wonderful his eyes shined, filled with pure vitality and happiness or how beautiful his smile was, and that it could be powerful enough to lighten up the entire world.
And yes, I am aware that it sounds totally cliché and not really like the straightest thoughts a man could have about another man, a good friend, may I add,
but as long as only I myself was able to hear my weird thoughts everything was okay, right?
I just had to be careful that no one would ever find out, simple as that.
And you gotta hand it to him, Ethan really is handsome. Even for a guy absolutely adorable. I didn't know it was possible for a grown man to be that sweet.

"-ler! Earth to Tyler! Would you stop staring at our blue boy for a second? I am talking to you!", Mark put me out of my trance.
Now his voice is normally really calming, soothing, relaxing, call it whatever you want, but he can also get annoyingly loud, and of course since he wanted my attention, he wasn't going easy on my ears. Ouch.
Ethan just laughed and looked at me.
"You've been staring at me? Wow, I didn't even notice, but I'll take that as a compliment! Don't do it to often though, otherwise it gets creepy.", he commented, still laughing a little bit. Well, that was embarrassing.
Feeling the heat raise in my cheeks, I quickly looked down to the ground, glanced up to him and then looked at the ground again.
"Oh, I was just drifting off, I didn't mean to look at you for the entire time, must've been weird for you, sorry Ethan.", I lied. I wanted nothing more than to focus on him and him only.
Which, now where I repeat it in my head really sounds kind of creepy, but again, thoughts are thankfully never heard by anyone but yourself.
"No problem", he just replied, still smiling.

Mark sighed.
"TYLER. EDITING. NOW.", he just groaned, rolling his eyes.
"Uh...Yeah, okay,  what was it again? The challenge video we recorded yesterday or one of your let's plays -uh, another part of Subnautica perhaps?", I asked.
"Okay, for how long have you been staring at Ethan? Did'cha listen to me at all?", was his only question. I sighed and just quietly replied that I wasn't staring at him.
That was a lie. Again...
I always hated having to lie, but I couldn't help it either, no one was EVER supposed to know.
I looked at Ethan, who was not focusing on this conversation anymore and looked out of the window instead, then at Mark, who appeared to be smirking at me and then I asked which video it was that I was supposed to edit. Or more than just one and if so in which order. The black haired gave me all the information that I needed and I spend most of the day editing.

Well, until Mark suddenly walked in the room and stood behind me, that is.
He just stood there, not saying anything, not doing anything. He obviously wanted to mess with me, knowing it would start to annoy me eventually. And he was right,
I could tolerate this for a short while, but the more minutes passed, the weirder it got and the less I could actually focus on my work. "Okay, you're beginning to creep me out, what is it?", I asked, turning around to him, still sitting on the spinning chair.
"You have a thing for Ethan", he blurted out, having a big mischievous smirk on his face.
Completely shocked I looked at him, not knowing what to do or say.
Was it that obvious?
And what now, would he tell him?

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