Someone who knows what you're going through pt.2

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And here's the second part!
Because there's nothing worse than an unfinished story, huh? ;)
I hope you like it, b-but, uh, even if you don't, maybe you'll like the next one, so please stick around ^^'
Thank you guys for all your support,
ship with respect, keep in mind that fiction is fiction and have fun reading ~
-RoRo [RollercoasterRodeo]

Ethans P.O.V

"Alright...What's the plan?", I asked, letting out a small sigh. Judging by what Mark told me before it could only be a super weird plan.
"Okay that might sound childish, but how about we play truth or dare 'for a video' and then we get some more information and a chance for you to confess your feelings when it's safe enough. Maybe we even get him to kiss you, wouldn't that be absolutetly adorable?", he offered, smiling a little.
Something told me that in his mind Mark must've been picturing some cute, fluffy romance fanfiction. Unfortunately though this was the real life. And we all know in real life not everything is possible.
Not everything is supposed to have a happy ending, so who knew if I was ever supposed to have one!?
Being as optimistic as always, I was pretty sure this wouldn't end well for me.

"Well...That sure would be one of the easiest ways to find out what he'd think about that and all...but...I... I doubt that he would tell the truth in front a million of people. I-if it even is the truth, you know, I mean, again, I don't think he'd fall in love with someone like me" , I quickly destroyed every hope for this plan to work out.
"And what if we just play truth or dare in our little group? Without saying that it's for Youtube?  We always do silly stuff like that anyway, even without wanting to film something for once.", he then suggested, ignoring the fact that I was putting myself down again.
I thought about that for a few seconds, just standing there in colmplete silence, until Mark suddenly called for his girlfriend to come over to us.

"MARK, WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?", I asked in shock, hoping he wouldn't tell Amy my secret.
He ignored me and turned around to her.
"Do you think it would be a good idea to play truth or dare? Ethan here said that he wanted to do it so badly, but he didn't have the balls to ask if we could play it all together. He was afraid it would be 'too childish', so what do you think?", he asked her. She looked at me in disbelief.
"Too childish, really Ethan? After everything we - especially you guys - have done? May I remind you that you were one of the guys bathing in a giant chocolate milk filled bathtub for fun, now how could playing turth or dare possibly be too childish for you?", was her only comment to that, shaking her head a little. I shrugged my shoulders, not really knowing what to do or say.

"Count me in.", she then finally said.
"Good, that's good. What about Tyler?", Mark questioned. I frowned at him, but he only gave me a mishivious grin.
"Huh? What about him? I'm sure he'll play, too. Kathryn probably wouldn't if it was for youtube, but in a private round I bet she'll join, too. We should ask her though.", Amy replied, thinking about everyone.
Thank god she didn't take the hint.
"Okay, we gotta make sure that Tyler doesn't chicken out of it, that's the most important thing.", her boyfriend stated.
"MARK!", I exclaimed with widened eyes and gave him an annoyed death glare.
He shook it off  with a smile the second he saw it.
"Is everything alright with you guys? And what was that with Tyler, do you guys have something planned?", she asked, seemingly confused about my behaviour.
"I wouldn't say planned, but someone's looking forward to this game.", Mark said, grinning. I sighed.
"Is he gonna get goof'd?", she asked, trying not to laugh. "It's more of a positive surprise than a negative one.", Mark kept dropping hints. "Depending on how HE sees it, AGAIN, Mark, I doubt that he'll ever like me back, for fucks sake.", I replied, with my tounge faster than my brain. " back?", Amy repeated, as soon as she got the message,
she smiled.
"Ohw, Ethan, are you in love with him?", she asked excited. I blushed and nodded.
"And that's why you want to play truth or dare to be able to confess your love for him?", she added. Again I nodded, but quickly told her that it was all her boyfriend's  idea.
After a little "aw", she went away to ask the others about the truth or dare thing.
I thanked Mark, but wanted to know why he kept on pushing me, until Amy knew what's up. "To get you ready to confess, you doof... And because it's fun.", he answered smiling, obviously entertained. "You're a horrible person.", I said, laughing and giving him a little hug.
He smiled at me and hugged back.
That's Mark for you: A goofy idiot with douchebag potential, but definetely one of the funniest people you'll ever meet. And despite everything he has a big heart in just the right place.
Those are things I would never say out loud though.

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