The Author's secret

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Here's another story.
What can I say, I found some inspiration and time again. Thank you guys for all your support and the awesome comments, you are the best :)
Now as always: Ship with respect and have fun reading! ^^
- RoRo [Rollercoaster Rodeo] 


I looked at my story with a proud smile.
So many people seemed to like it so far, there were so many lovely comments and the people didn't even know who I really was. They didn't like it because it was a thing that I did, they liked it because, well, judging by their words my story was " so cute", "well done" and caused one or two 'fangirl attacks'. Maybe even 'fanboy attacks' too?
It's hard to tell someone's gender based on a profile, especially if they don't have a picture - But even if they DID have a picture, I'd rather not want to make any assumptions... That would be judging people by the way they look, and that's kind of rude isn't it?
But that's the cool thing about incognito profiles on the Internet.
The fact that nobody knew who I was behind my username made me feel like a special agent, or a secret super hero!
It's of course not a bad thing to have people who love and support you no matter what you do, and I really, really appreciate each and every one of them, but sometimes it's also a great feeling to know that you actually do or 'create' something good completely on your own, without people sugarcoating it.
If I goof'd, oh boy, believe me, the Internet would definetely not hold back and the people would use every chance they have to tell me. Or to correct me if I made mistakes -
Some in a nice way,  sadly also some in a...
Not that friendly way.
But that's the Internet for ya.
Humans are only human after all.
Unfortunately not all of them are making an effort to be nice to one another.

I sighed at that thought and closed my fanfiction page. Luckily, before I could get bored, just a few seconds later Tyler opened  the door and walked in.
"Hey Ethan, we're going to play some smash brothers, and probably Mario Party, too. Do you want to play with us?", he asked smiling.
I bet he already knew the answer.
How, if I wasn't buried in editing work that really HAD TO get done as soon as possible, could I possibly say no to this?
I just nodded with a smile and got up from my bed, following Tyler until he sat down on the couch. I sat down next to him, getting ready to play.

We had a great time playing video games, until my phone decided to vibrate in the middle of the second game, which caused me to jump up a little, because yes it was unexpected and definetely shocked me,
and also loose the balance in a stupid Mario Party mini game. It was a 2 vs. 2 players game, which means I pulled someone down with me. And this someone was no one  other than Mark.
"Ohw, Ethan, really?", he asked with a pouty face and rolled his eyes, letting out a fake sigh.
"I-I didn't even know the vibration was turned on! I normally use a really silent ringtone, if any, I must have activated that somehow...", I quickly said, nervously turning the god damn vibration off.
"Yeah suuuuuure, we all know you like it, don't deny it~", Mark teased with a mischievous grin. Kathryn laughed, but decided to stay quiet and as always just rather listen to everything.
"He says the truth though, usually Ethan's phone is either really silent or not making any sound at all.", Tyler chimed in, defending me with his monotonous voice. While saying that his face was nearly expressionless, ladies and gentleman,  the typical stone face. Isn't he cool?
"Fine, whatever, what was the notification that ruined my glorious victory streak?", the dark brown haired then asked, raising his eyebrow.
"RainbowCupcakeX3 voted on your story on Wattpad. ", Tyler read from my phone and then looked at me surprised.
"You have a story on Wattpad? ", he then asked, obviously knowing what this site was about and that 'story' definetely meant fanfiction. Oh dear lord!
"It's, uh, I, know...", I stuttered embarrassed.  I could feel the heat raising in my cheeks. I bet I was at least just as red as a tomato.
"What is it about?", he continued to ask about it. I tried to answer, but only some nervous stuttering left my lips.
"Are you okay?", he asked and looked at me worriedly. "No...yes. I mean... It's true, I-I wrote a fan fiction!", I managed to get out, and looked first at the ground and then at my friend's faces trying to read their facial expression and guessing what they might think of me now. Hopefully nothing bad!
Who I  couldnt look at though was Tyler.
"You write fanfics, so what?", Mark asked
smiling at me. This was definetely an attempt to cheer me up and get me out of this awkward situation.
"Yeah, I mean, you do you. I've read some fanfics before, too.", Tyler confessed.
"Really, about what?", I asked, filled with curiosity.  Now it was the brunette who seemed to have a hard time answering.
He cleared his throat before answering:
"...Well, there was this one that just randomly popped up, to my defence I wasn't looking for it or anything, just to clarify that, but... I was curious, so I read it. And it was... about us, Ethan.", after that he quickly broke the eye contact with me. I looked down, too.
We fell in silence for what felt like an eternity. My mind was spinning.
Too many thoughts and all of them were about Tyler. A lot of them were filled with fear though.

"Do you guys like... need a minute to talk about that? It's obviously important to you both so... Shall we leave?", Mark asked. Amy gently pushed him with her elbow, as to say that he wasn't helping at all. Which was a thing that wasn't far from the truth. But was he making it worse?
I don't know. Instead I wondered what would have happened at that moment if the others weren't around and it was only me and Tyler.
At least he could have left the room if I said something stupid that would make him like me less. But this, this was bad.
Oh, how I wished a big hole would just pop up on the ground and eat me.
"Well it was well written and kinda cute.", Tyler spoke, obviously still talking about the fanfiction. I got really nervous again, started blushing and even shivering a little.
"Uh...yeah, as mentioned before, we can really leave the roo- ouch!', Mark started talking but got elbow'd by his girlfriend again, a little bit harder this time. "Did that hurt much? I'm so sorry.", she quickly said, but Mark just brushed it off and smiled at her, saying that it was totally okay.
I nervously bit my lips, being too invested in my own thoughts to care about the cute stuff that was going on with the two of them.
"Ethan, calm down. There's really nothing bad about writing fanfiction. You're being creative and concentrate on something and-", Tyler stopped there, accepting that it would have no use anyway.
He knew that this wasn't why I was acting so strange and anxious out of sudden.
I heard the others leaving the room as quietly as possible.
Tyler must have given them a sign.
" The others are gone. Just in case it made you nervous to talk about certain stuff in front of them, or you can't take being the center of attention in an awkward situation.
So...Ethan...Why are you so nervous? Can I help you somehow?", he asked.
I could hear how much he worried about me, I could hear it in his voice.
I shook my head.
Tyler just walked up to me and hugged me.
I immediately calmed down a little, cuddling onto him. I let put a sigh, burying my face on his chest.
"You calmed down a little, right?", he asked after a few minutes. I nodded, but quickly said "I-I'd love to stay in your arms for a little while though. I'm afraid that  if you're leave I'm gonna be this nervous wreck again."
"No problem, stay as long as you want.", he said, brushing through my hear. "It's kind of funny...", he mumbled. I looked up to him a little bit confused. "What is?", I asked.
"That's pretty close to the stuff that happens in some of the fanfics I've read."

My eyes widened. I started to get nervous again. Why would he say such a thing?!
"Every time I mention the fanfics you tense up again.", Tyler noticed and then asked why exactly that was the case.
"You're either gonna be creeped out by me or even hate me...", I started, finally letting go of him. I couldn't get myself to say more though. Instead of asking further Tyler just said: "I doubt that there is a thing in the world that could make me like you less."
I blinked a few times.
Did he really just say that?
That was really astonishingly close to what I wrote in a fanfiction about us before.
Could it be? He didn't read them, did he?
"I bet there is! The fanfics I wrote, they are about us!", I confessed, preparing myself for the worst.

Tyler was just standing there, not saying a single word. He looked at me, eyes widened, clearly  surprised and probably also disgusted by what he just heard.
"Ethan, may I ask why you're writing the fanfics?", he then suddenly asked.
"Why would you want to know?", I counter questioned. "Because I gotta know if you wrote the fanfics for the same reason why I read them.", he said. I looked down.
"I wrote them because I wanted them to...
I... wanted them to be true.", I admitted, letting out a sad sigh.
And as soon as I spoke the words Tyler hugged me again.
" There's a lot in these fanfics that I wouldn't want to be real. Car accidents, one of us randomly dies, one of us gets - for whichever reason - pregnant...
I definetely don't want THIS to be true.
But being with you in general...would be a wonderful thing. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I... that I'm in love with you.", the brunette said. I smiled softly and was now able to say what I always wanted to say:
" I love you too, Tyler."

Following after that was our first kiss.
Starting out shyly, yet filled with love, the kiss quickly turned more passionate.
We both totally lost track of time and space, there were only the two of us, stuck in a perfect world where every second felt like a wonderful lifetime.
Until Mark walked in, applauding and saying that we should save some of that passion for the bedroom, that is.
God damn it,  Mark.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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