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I woke up like an average morning considering it was summer i didn't wake up till 10:30 AM.As i went down for breakfast nothing felt normal my mother was actually was making breakfast instead of rushing to work.My older sister and younger brother had sad looks on there faces which is ironic because they love breakfast foods.

"Lauren can you please take a seat we need to tell you something." mom asked

"Sure what is it?" I responded

" here eat some of this first."

"Mom your scaring me what's going on?"

" As you know I was thinking of opening my own short business."

"Yes and?"

"I'm going to do it."

" Really? mom that's great fantastic!" i said and gave her a hug

"Yeah that's what you say now" my sister said

"The only place great place I found is in Orlando.........Florida."

I was shocked but mostly sad I didn't want to leave my friends who under stood me.why did she want me to leave on my last year of High School?

"Mom I don't understand why now "

"Its the only chance I will get the flight Leaves at 2:00 so pack all your clothes and any thing you want to carry the movers will collect everything else we leave behind"

I went to my room so angry my life was here it will always be here I can't just get up and leave like father did it was my last year of high school she could've waited at least one more year at the same time I was happy for my mother. she has always wanted to have her own business it was her dream and I don't want to be the one who takes that away.i packed every thing remembering all the happy memories I had with Abigail my friend since kindergarten.Breathing the smell of lavender in my room walking to the chalkboard in my room where my sister (Nina), Abigail and I our height numbers I was always taller but it wouldn't matter any more. This house was going to be gone. I looked at my phone it was a text from Abigail saying.

"Hey you know I love you but you have to move."

"What you want me to leave" I responded

"You have to get out of this little town it's your chance to get out of here become what you have always wanted to be and its the only way to achieve it by the way Lauren you should know that I'm crying right now"

At this point I was to I love my best friend she's like family.

"You need to come over now so we can have the rest of the afternoon to say goodbye :'( "

After I sent that I plopped on my bed sobbing then heard Abigail running up the steps

"okay i brought two tubs of your favorite ice cream" Abigail said

"thanks but I don't want to move" I said

"look I don't want you to move either but your going to have to its not like you can stay besides you always did say that you wish

you'd live in Florida "

"are you on my mom's Side on this!"

"no I just thinks that-"

"forget it you want me to leave don't you that's why you are pushing me away it all makes sense now!"

"fine I have been pushing you away you are just so boring and annoying it's always about you!"

" get out I never want to speak with you again!"

she left and I started packing my clothes and everything I could easily pack it was almost time to leave I looked at my room one last time and shut the door behind me. A single tear fell from my face and I wiped it away quickly.

LATER on the plane

I saw the plane get off from the ground while putting my head phones in and putting the world on hold. A couple hours later I arrived in Florida it was so nice and warm .while my mom was getting a taxi there was a giant crowd around a couple of people I just ignored it and went to go get a cookie from a vending machine because plane food is too expensive. On the way back to my mom I stopped to just stand for a bit and pick at my cookie then out of no where a person spilled hot coffee on my shirt "Hey! Ow ow ow" I said "oh my gosh I am so sorry" he said " why are you having hot coffee in the summer" I said while pulling out my shirt so it wouldn't stick to my body.

"Im sorry listen how about I buy you a new shirt" he said

"No thanks"

"How abou-" I cut him off

"How about you just leave "

" Well can I Least get a name"

" Lauren"

"Cool my name is Riley"

Then we went our different ways


Alright I know I posted in January saying I'd post soon now it's up there will be more soon I hope you have a great rest of your week and this is dedicated to my best friend Ariana a.k.a my2ndlife1 you guys should go follow her p.s hoped you like the story so far

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