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We finally made it to my new home I looked nice like an average house in an average neighborhood.i immediately went inside to go find a room I went upstairs and there was a room that wasn't too big and not too small the reason it caught my eye was because it had a window where it had easy access to the roof. so I can see over the whole neighborhood. but then I had to get all my luggage and unpack what I brought the movers said they'd be here by tomorrow to bring every thing officially.It was kind of late when we got home it was a 5 hour flight so I went to bed .


I ate some McDonald's for breakfast then when we got back to the house at 12:30 p.m.

"Hey Lauren I want you to be a good neighbor and introduce yourself to some of the houses next to us with Nina and Ryan (younger brother)." My mom said

"Okay fine but I still don't approve this." I said

I just wore a batman and robin T-shirt to show my new neighbors that I'm a nerd and they shouldn't hang out with me. my siblings were waiting outside and we decided to go to the house in front of us. the person who lived in there was a nice old lady and an old man the Nielsen's . then the one right next to them on the left was a twenty year old hipster girl named Daisy .... enough said our neighbors were all strange and finally to the house on the end I the street. I knocked on the door several times I heard yelling inside who would answer the door it sounded like some guys

"why hello"

"hi We're introducing our selves around the neighborhood this is my younger brother Ryan and my younger sister Lauren and I'm Nina" my sister said.

Then two other guys came to the door one looked my age and the other a little younger then him.

"Cool this is my youngest brother toby and my other brother Riley also I'm Connor" he said. Riley was so handsome 'no Lauren stop' he wouldn't stop looking at me.Wait a minute "hey aren't you the guy who-" i said but curt me off

"Yeah I'm sorry about spilling hot coffee on you"

"You guys know each other " Nina asked

"Yeah we met at the airport while mom was getting a cab."

"Well listen I'm sorry could we make it up to you"Riley said

"Where do you guys live?" Connor asked

Then my sister pointed to our house

"Okay our car will be parked outside at your house around 4:45 pm then you can follow us to a party"

My sister and I just gave him a look.

"I swear we're not creeps please it will be really fun." Connor Said

"Okay "my sister said

Then we went back home

"Your insane you don't just say yes like that" i said

"Why not" she replied

"Because they're complete strangers"

"Really I saw the way you were looking at Riley"

"Oh whatever okay"

"Nina's right you know" Ryan said

"Ryan your like 6 how'd you know" I said

"Because I'm smarter then you think" he said in a sassy tone

Then we just went back home and told my mom about it and she agreed.

----authors note----

Short chapter I know more to come btw Before You Exit is going on tour ahhhhhh! I've been an Exiter/apart of this BYE family since the all the way tour with allstar weekend they have accomplished so much one day I should tell you guys my story of that night.... nah not right now some other time any way baiiiiiiii

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