After Math

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-----Riley's POV-----

I woke up the next day with a smile on my face and a hop in my step.Lauren is just constantly on my mind for some reason I get nervous anytime I just see her face or hear her voice. Since I came home last night a bit late I wanted to see what my brothers did I mean they usually have something planned out. As I went into Connor's I heard snoring 'what time did he fall asleep last night' so I didn't even bother to go in. I went into Toby's room I heard voices what did he do. Oh no not that please not that. I walked in it was just Sydney so nothing to worry about.

"Morning guys" I said

"Hey Riley" Sydney said

"Why are you here early"

She looked at Toby not knowing what to say but he just nodded his head.

"You see Riley um Toby will explain while I go to the bathroom" she then scurried off leaving just Toby and I.

"So" I said

"So" Toby said

"What was that about I saw her wearing your clothes even your boxers what did you two do last night" I asked while wiggling my eyebrows up and down

"Um we did it"


"No we didn't do that"

"Good because I almost just killed you"

"I mean Sydney and finally started dating"

" oh that's cool took you two long enough but I thought you liked Mai "

"That's a long story"

"That still doesn't explain that whole clothes thing"

"We accidentally fell into the pool last night and you know water gets clothes wet so she needed to borrow some"

"Oh you're lucky Connor didn't come in before me he would've interrogated you like crazy"

"I know I'll tell him at breakfast"

"why not now"


I got up and started running around the house saying "Sydney and Toby are dating!"

Toby eventually tackled me to the ground and sat on me

"Boys quit fooling around" my dad said

"Boys listen to your father" my mom said

"Besides that's not even how you fight" my dad said as he was joining in he lifted us up and put us over his shoulders and smacked us down on the couch

"Boys seriously please stop" my mom said

"All right fine" I said then when breakfast was ready Connor came down faster than lighting down the steps because he smelt bacon. We all sat and talked including Sydney it was nice.

-------LAUREN'S POV-------

As I got up out of bed this morning I couldn't stop smiling I made food for everyone which is weird because I rarely cook after we all ate I talked to Sydney and told her everything of course.Then she told me what happened with Toby I was just so happy nothing could ruin this day.I decided to go bike riding just because it was nice out I went down to the amazing Starbucks and ordered my usual. I realized that for the first time in a while I was happy I didn't care about Abigail or Natalie its crazy that the thing that did this was a boy.Just a guy an average guy.

Okay maybe not so average he was in a band with his brothers I haven't even bothered to look it up to see how famous they were so I did I went on my phone to see it might be a little weird but hey I barley know this guy. After a while I just amazed about how much their fans love them.Their music was good upbeat turns out they also like Starbucks,John Mayer,Peter Pan,long boarding,bowling.The Internet is so helpful these days.

I then went back home to just chill it was going to be a lazy day I could tell.

"Lauren where are you" I heard my sister say

"Living room" I said

"Guess what" she said as she plopped on the couch


"I have a boyfriend"

"Awesome what's his name"


"So what's he like?"

"Tall, brown hair, blue crystal eyes great butt"

"Wow Nina"

"What it is a nice but I'm talking Chris Evans status"I just giggled

"Will you guys please be quiet I don't want you guys to ruin captain America for me he's my favorite super hero" Ryan whined

"That's what you said about iron man last week" Nina retorted

"what I'm young I change my opinions everyday"

I just started laughing then they both hit me with some pillows

"not cool guys!" i started to hit them back as I said that

"hey Lauren want to go and check out the office you're the only one who hasn't seen it" my mom asked

"sure" i got up and we went to the car after a while we arrived and then as we walked in there was a guy sitting at a desk he was tall he had blonde hair that reminded me of Riley's hair his eyes were an intense green.He was wearing a blue button down shirt with jeans and some vans that matched his shirt.

"Lauren this is Nathanael, Nathanael this is Lauren" my mom introducing us while she was he would'nt stop staring at me I felt like saying something about it but I did'nt mostly because you can't ever redo a first impression.

"hey nice to meet you' he said shaking my hand gently

"hi nice to meet you too"i said he was still holding my hand i just started getting awkward at this point .

"i have to do some paper work really quick so would you please show her around nathanael' mother asked

"it would be my pleasure" he responded

Then she just left she left me with a stranger 'what' really.

"how old are you" he asked

"17" I said

"me too"

"then why are you working with my mom"

"its an internship. Come with me and see the green room"

When we got there it was a half painted room the color was green hence the word green room.

"i have to finish painting want to help" he asked while wiggling a paint brush in front of my face

"why not"

He took his shirt off to paint at this point I'm positive he took me here on purpose i just rolled my eyes and painted he did have abs though it was only at like first glimpse.We painted and i asked "why are you dressed with actual style"

"what guys can't wear nice clothes"

"They can but they usually choose not too"

"well i would be wearing shorts and a t-shirt but my mom insists on always looking nice as an intern"

We then just continued painting eventually we were done with the whole room and my mom finished her paper work as we were leaving Nathanael gave me his number on a piece of paper and wrote call me Nathan for short parents just like to say my full name.

Mom and I went home and i just decided to watch some TV when i got a text from Riley saying

Riley :"want to go mini golfing tomorrow ;)"

Me: " I would love to go ;)"

Riley: " AWESOME!!! I will pick you up at 4:00 PM ;)

Me: " Okay but what up with the winkey faces?"

Riley: " ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

I started to laugh but i didn't get to respond when i looked at the clock it was already 11:30 and someone was coming upstairs it was my mom then i just went to bed.

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