Change of View Part 2

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"How is this going to prove anything" Toby asked

"More like how is this not going to prove anything" I retorted

"That doesn't make any sense "

"Toby shush they are here"

We crouched down even more into the bushes. We first saw Chad get here he looked like a lost puppy and he called my name out but then Mai arrived they both were questioning why they were there

"See they aren't doing anything" Toby said

I didn't say anything I was ticked off because I know she's cheating. Then all of a sudden they both looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders and started to kiss. I looked over to Toby with a satisfying look on my face but felt bad at the same time I shouldn't have told him.

"Ugh I'm such a horrible friend I murmured

"No you're not you saved me for getting hurt later" he said

I slightly smiled

"So are you going to break up with her" I asked

"Yeah right now"

"Want me to go with you"

"Yes please"

"Of course c'mon be brave"

We walked slowly and sneakily towards them I stared at Toby he was a nervous wreck but I gave him a reassuring pat on the back.

"Hey Mai" Toby said

She released her lips from chads and said

"Toby sweetie he came on to me"

"Oh save it I saw everything"

"But I love you"

" don't even say that you didn't even know he existed like 2 weeks ago how could you do this to him he's an amazing guy who's funny ,smart,nice, sweet and just all around awesome " I said looking into his eyes

"At least I can love you have never loved anyone but your parents oh wait excuse me parent all you have is your dad"

I was clenching my fist at this point no one talks about my family.

"Stop it"

"Oh can't take the heat neither could your mom obviously because she died in a fire"

"That's it! " I said starting to jump at

her I was about to punch her when Chad held my hand back.

"Don't touch her!" Toby said to Chad as he shoved him but pulling Mai and I apart at the same time.

"If you obviously couldn't tell we are so over" Toby said

"I could but I don't think Sydney could because she can't hear over the lo-"

I cut her off by covering her mouth because she going to tell Toby I liked well I guess loved him

"Just lets go Toby" I said

"Fine" he said

"Oh but before you go Chad has a present for you"

Mai said

Toby turned toward them and out of no where Chad punched Toby in the face It looked like it hurt then they both just walked off Hand in hand

"Oh my goodness Toby! Are you okay"

I asked

"Yeah just peachy you know I only just got punched in the face"

I started to help him up

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