Chapter 3 ► 'New' Friends

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Jon's POV

"Your call has been forwarded to an-"
"FUCK!" And there flew my phone across my room. Obviously to my bed since I was standing.

What if she really was ignoring me?

No, don't be silly Jon. She's obviously just enjoying her night out with her friends, possibly guy friends, possible boyfriend.


Ok I need to relax, she'll get home soon. I'll just have a drink while I wait. I originally opened my fridge to get a mountain dew or some shit, but that cold beer was calling my name.

Third Person POV

When the three friends' night was coming to end, Evan drove them back to their apartment. After thanking him for the ride, Craig walked out first and started walking. When (Y/N) was about to get out and follow, she felt some big warm hands touch her inner thigh. "Hey," Evan said with a smile that made her cheeks burn like crazy. "Can we see each other again soon?" He said licking his lips.

"Uhh.." (Y/N)'s mind raced as well as her heartbeat. She didn't want to reject is offer, but she knew it was for the best.

"I think I can speed up your decision~" Evan said in a suggestive tone. It took (Y/N) a split second to comprehend what he meant by that. She realized it when Evan, her FRIEND, was leaning in for a kiss.

"YES! Let's see each other again soon!"

'Why did I say that..'

She mentally face palmed even harder as she pushed Evan back into his seat. "Uh well, goodnight!" (Y/N) said in one breath running out of the man's car, trying to catch up to Craig.

(Y/N) saw the big fore headed man enter the elevator, making her speed up to catch it before it closes. You'd think it'd be easy to slow down even when your mind is all over the place, but (Y/N) couldn't do that and ended up slamming into Craig. There was an awkward silence featuring elevator music while Craig held her. (Y/N) saw her british friend's face flush an even brighter pink than last time. She even felt her face burn, for Craig or for Evan, she didn't know now. So she quickly stood back on her feet, scratching her head nervously.

When the two reached their floor, they quietly walked back to their apartments not mentioning the night or what just happened. But as (Y/N) was about to unlock her apartment door, that's when Craig broke the silence. "Hey (Y/N)," She gulped ready to put on her fake voice once more for the night. Her (E/C) eyes looked up Craig's pink flushed face. "I had fun tonight, do you umm wanna hang out again soon?"

'No. You already stupidly agreed to Evan.'

"W-we don't need to if you don't want to." He said nervously putting his hands in his pockets.

"N-no wait! I'd love to!"

'Why am I so dumb...'

She didn't face palm herself mentally this time, but physically, in front of Craig, who looked at her strange. (Y/N) sure was embarrassed now. "S-sorry! I saw a-uhh mosquito on my forehead!" She said quickly and continued to unlock her apartment. "Well goodnight!" (Y/N) said slamming the door on Craig.

(Y/N) walked to her living room and threw her bag down as she exhaled her stress. She collapsed on her couch suddenly remembering she has to call back Jon. The tired girl got up and ran to her office, quickly turning on her PC about to call Jon. But looked like he beat her to it as (Y/N) received a call as soon as she went online on Skype. She prepped herself anticipating a very angry Jon. "Hey I'm sorry, I-"

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