Chapter 7 ► Date Night

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Jon 💙🐻

"Hey, I just landed, where do you wanna meet?"
"Nvm I'll just call an Uber. Never checked the time. you must be sleeping :p"
"Holy shit there's a bunch cops in front of Olive Garden"
"I just got to your apartment wya?"
"Are you with Tyler at Olive Garden?"
"Don't lie, I just asked Mini"
"(Y/N) this isn't funny, where are you?"
"Please be ok"

I tried texting back, but that's when I felt the bullet go right through my side.

"What the fuck?!" (Y/N)'s heart raced as she shot up from bed. She was breathing heavily while she touched her side.

What a fucking dream..

The (H/C) noticed it was still ten in the morning. Now that her side felt weird after that unusual dream, she rubbed her tired face and walked up to her kitchen to make her usual fix.

(Y/N) noticed a sticky note on her kitchen bar: Text me when you made a decision - Tyler (Tyler's number)

She chuckled because she already knew Tyler's number through Skype.

(Y/N) completely forgot Tyler and Craig came over last night to hang out. No not like that you sicko. Unlike Evan, they actually just talked like a bunch of friends hanging out. Despite how stressed (Y/N) was about them so close to finding out her other identity, she was actually enjoying the time they spent. It was like how they'd hang out on GTA, except there were no C4's or pig masks and yellow sandals. They made a few remarks about (YT/N) and how they missed playing with her, but besides that, a part of her actually wished things would just be like this forever. No screens, no masks, no more Skype and Discord servers, just regular friends.

(Y/N) messaged Mini and asked for Tyler's Kik instead so she wouldn't be texting as "(YT/N)"

🍆💩Tyler 💩🍆

"Morning asshat"

"No. Stop calling me that"

"can I call you piggy?"


"but yes"


"Jesus christ are you sure you and (YT/N) aren't related?"
"Cuz you annoy me as much as she does"

"I guess you don't wanna go out tonight then? 😢"

"Wait what"

"too late, I'm hurt"

"Well too bad I'm still picking you up"

"Aww you're so sweet!"

"God you're lucky you're face is just as cute as Craig's."

(Y/N) chuckled evilly and saved the screenshot. For fandom reasons of course. She'd never upload it since they were her friends. Though, it's nice to use it as leverage when she wanted the guys to listen to her.

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