Chapter 4 ► Bad Timing

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"Hi..!" (Y/N) definitely made the wrong decision getting out of bed early. "Oh well I'd love to stay but I'm still really tired, so bye!" She awkwardly walked back and closed her door before any of them could say goodbye.

But despite how tired she was, she knew she couldn't go back to sleep so she made herself a cup of coffee. While the coffee brewed, (Y/N) sat at her kitchen bar with her eyes shut. The tired girl wasn't planning on moving until she heard her phone go off in her room. "FUUUCK." She groaned loudly almost like Tyler.

The call ended up being Brock, who invited her to play Towers Unite later on with Marcel and David. Of course (Y/N) said yes, partially because she has a hard time saying no to Brock. But it mainly because she missed those idiots. Brock did however asked for (Y/N) to stay after they were done recording. She prayed it wouldn't be brockward after leaving for so long.

After the two finished talking, (Y/N) was about to walk back to her coffee scented kitchen. Midway through walking down her hallway, she got yet another call and again not looking at the Caller ID, she answered. "WHAT?!"

"Jesus Christ," Evan's voice was heard. "Sorry for wanting to talk."

(Y/N) tried to calm down but immediately got flustered remembering last night. "N-no sorry, I just woke up not that long ago because of my neighbors."

Evan giggled a little hearing her groggy voice. "Did you sleep late again?"

"Did you not see DELIRIOUS' TWEET last night?!" (Y/N) grouchily said making Evan laugh.

"Hey didn't I call you after that tweet?" Evan asked making (Y/N) tense up. "I was trying to help him out but you didn't answer."

"Oh you know..." C'mon, think of something. "Heavy sleeper!"

"But you can wake up from you neighbors?" (Y/N) awkwardly stayed silently. "Riiight. Well while you two were stuck at home, I think my date last night went successful." Evan said with a smug tone.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes as she poured her coffee. "Didn't you say you were with Craig too?"

"BESIDES him." Evan corrected. "I think she likes me~"

(Y/N) could feel her cheeks burn up as he started talking about her. "Pfft, I doubt it."

"What? You jealous?~" Evan cooed.

"W-what the fuck?! No!" (Y/N) retorted. She had to think of something quick to help herself on the other end so she doesn't get caught. "Umm don't you think it's a little bit early to jump back into another relationship, Ev?"

"Four months? Eh." Evan shook off the thought. "She's really cute. She plays games too and she doesn't even look like it." (Y/N) cringed at the sentence again.

"Umm, I'm just saying. You just met her and all."

Evan chuckled a little. "I'm really getting the feeling that you're jealous."

"I'M NOT JEALOUS!" (Y/N) shouted.

"Oh yea right, right... because you got your little boyfriend, Delirious~" (Y/N)'s face burned up even more remembering Jon's actions last night.

"H-he's not my boyfriend!"

"Well there's whole a lot of #H2O(YT/N) fanart now after that video he just uploaded." (Y/N) recalled the Gang Beasts recording.

Damn.. that was fast.

She went silent for a bit, internally screaming. "Fiiine I'll stop teasing. Anyways, you wanna play something tonight?"

"I'm playing with Brock, Nogla, and Marcel if you wanna join." (Y/N) said still internally screaming.


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