Chapter 1: Chocolate milk

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Anna's POV:

Sun spills through my window and onto the floor before slowly making it's way up the side of the bed to finally meet my face. I roll over and unlock my phone, 11:30.... Ugh I absolutely hate sleeping in. I sit up and face the unfamiliar room I was currently in when memories of the day before come flooding back. The long flight, the crying baby, the rude stewardess.... I was just lucky I made it here in one piece and with a sane mind. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and put on some house slippers before sheepishly making my way to the door. Once I entered the hall I took in how cozy it was. It felt like an actual home. Pictures of kids hung from the walls and I ran my hands over them as my feet padded down the hardwood floor. Anne Marie was the woman with whom I was staying with. She was an amazingly gifted wedding planner. A woman who shared one of my most cherished and dominant traits...planning. I recall the previous afternoon her picking me up from the airport and giving me a huge hug. I knew right there that these next two months she will be like a mom to me and a mentor. Nearing the end of the hallway I reach a flight of stairs... I take a deep breath and start my descent.

"No Lauren , chocolate milk is way better than regular" I heard a boy shout. I couldn't control the giggle that escaped from my mouth as I rounded the corner into the dining area where I was met with 3 sets of eyes.

"Ahh good morning darling" Anne Marie greeted me, I mumbled a response and shot her a warm smile before turning my attention back to the boy sitting in front of me.

"I'm Anna, and I also think chocolate milk is way better" the boy smiled up at me, he then turned to the girl and stuck his tongue out. The girl rolled her eyes and turned to me " I'm Lauren" she smiled at me... "It's about time we get another girl around here instead of mom" I chuckled at her enthusiasm and sarcasm she reminded me of my best friend back home Courtney. She always had a way to make things cheerful yet sassy at the same time. I then focused my attention back to the little boy, he stared at me confused before then shouting and sticking out his hand "I'm Harry!" This time I was in full on tears from laughter... And I shook his hand... "Well it's very nice to meet you Harry"

As the day progressed we did nothing but sit around in our pjs and talk. But somehow by the end of the day I was manipulated into taking Lauren and Harry out for frozen yogurt.... What can I say.... I have a soft spot for kids. Especially Harry , he is the type of boy you just can't say no to. I went to my room and pulled out an outfit. Light faded jeans cuffed at the bottom and my old high school tank top with some converse. Comfy and simple just how I like it. I glanced at myself in the mirror. I was so average looking. I have medium length dark hair and green eyes. And somewhat pale skin which I hope will tan while I'm here. But nothing about me really stands out. And to be honest I don't think I want it to. I'm perfectly happy the way I am... I think. I grabbed my purse and headed to the door when I heard a window break... I stopped frozen in my tracks..... Hand still firmly on the door knob.... Slowly I turned to face the bathroom door.... Sounds of shattering glass echoed my room .... And that's when the door I was staring at flew completely open....

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