Chapter 4: starting over

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Anna's POV:

His smile. That's the one thing that stood out in my mind. No matter what his appearance held......The way he smiled at me it held something. Was I attracted to him? No I don't think so. But the mystery behind him... The way his eyes held an innocence... It drew me to him. Everything told me to run... Far far away.... But I just can't get his face out of my head and when he cried .... I know I just have to help him. If he can even be helped.


I was currently sitting in my temporary bedroom. After about 30 minutes of Anne Marie constantly apologizing, I just needed to be alone... Calm my nerves a bit... Relax. I picked up my iPod and put on All Time Low... I may be this rather plain and on the boring side but everyone loves a bit of rock music. I have a weakness for them actually. I love music. Especially bands. About 85% of my wardrobe is band shirts. I placed the buds in my ears as I collapsed onto my bed. My first day in Australia had been the longest of my life. Tomorrow I would start shadowing Anne Marie, and I needed to rest. As I closed my eyes I woke to a realization.... The window in the bathroom hadn't been fixed. I stood up and wandered to the door as soon as I opened it there stood a distraught looking Ashton..... I think for the second time today he has given me a literal mini heart attack.

"Jesus! what the hell?!" I screeched at him oblivious that I was probably screaming due to the lack of being able to hear. I ripped my buds out and stared at him waiting for an answer..... any sort of retort...... But nothing came he just stood there staring.

"Can you at least say something?!" I asked

"Hi" he cheekily replied flashing me the smile that has been permanently indented in my mind.

"Please leave Anne Marie doesn't want you here and I personally know nothing about you. " I stated ... Clearly pointing out the obvious since this boy did just come through my window.... A window in which he broke earlier but I guess that's beside the point.

"I just wanted to apologize for how we were introduced..... That wasn't a way I wanted to be introduce to you Angel." he chuckled probably due to the disgust that wrinkled onto my face as he said my "nickname".

"Well I think you should get the hell out " I calmly retorted. Honestly I was still waking up and once again.... Strange boy .... In my room.... Doesn't sound like too bright of an idea.

"You know what.... Fuck you.... This was a bad idea... I thought I would be nice but I guess your like everyone else... Just judging me based on my looks... And here I was thinking you were different. " He bellowed, eyes darkening as he ran his hand through his hair.

"I'm not judging you.... How can I judge you when I know absolutely nothing about you?" I yelled clearly pissed he would be quick to judge me so easy.

"Well we might just have to fix that won't we Angel ?" his voice was soothing almost like his own kind of tune. I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts and returned my attention back to the boy in front of me.

"Well I must go, but I just wanted to say ........... Let's start over ...Hi I'm Ashton and it's nice to meet you.. I'll see you around." And with that he was back out the window and I was left alone and once again .... picturing his smile. This was going to be a rather long night.


Once the sun rose I was out of bed.... Showered and getting dressed. I left my hair to dry natural in waves and applied eye liner and mascara. Anne Marie had mentioned to just dress casual so I threw on some ripped skinny capris and an old Pink Floyd tshirt with some converse. I was already nervous enough I at least wanted to be comfortable. I walked down the stairs to find a sleeping lump on the couch as I approached it ..... A sleeping Ashton appeared and before I could make another sound Anne Marie rounded the Corner and before I could even say a word ...

"I kinda gave in... He needs a place to stay.... And he is my son" she smiled at me and I returned the favor and followed her into the kitchen... She poured coffee into two mugs and sat one before me, I thanked her. As the warm liquid hit my throat I was suddenly aware that we weren't the only two in the kitchen.... A groggy looking ashton appeared... Wearing only baggy grey sweats the hung on his hips.... Bags prominent under his eyes. I caught myself looking at him for too long and I quickly adverted my eyes back to my coffee but I knew I was caught when I heard him chuckle. With quick goodbyes, Anne Marie and I were out the door. When I stepped into the morning air I realized I forgot my bag on the kitchen counter.

"I'll be right out ." I said to Anne Marie as I backed tracked into the house to retrieve what I had forgotten. When I rounded back into the kitchen there sat ashton on the counter by my purse drinking a carton of what seem to be chocolate milk. I hurriedly walked past him and grabbed my bag. I started to walk away when a flash of courage struck me .... " btw I'm Anna Flynn.... And I'll start over with you .... But you need to know that there is way more to me than meets the eye. So don't judge me .... Ever again." and with a smile .... I walked out of the kitchen but not before I heard a faint retaliation ...... "No problem Angel"

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