Chapter 5: Demons

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Anna's POV:

Perfection. Anne Marie had an eye for perfection. I was currently standing in front of a sea side venue for an upcoming wedding she was hosting and I was at a loss for words. It was stunning. She gave me a run through of her day and what I was to be doing... And so here I am ... Instead of placing name cards I'm gawking at the detail in total awe and wonder. Once reality struck me like a ton of bricks I hurried to finish my task. I was placing the last dozen name cards when I was interrupted by a hand grabbing a nearby card...

"Mr. Beezly " the boy standing next to be chuckled ..."he doesn't sound very pleasant .... I'm Calum by the way... I'm Anne Marie's sort of right hand man you must be Anna." He rose his hand to shake mine and I accepted the gesture

"That would be me nice to meet you Calum." I greeted, it was nice to think at least someone around here was nice enough to say hey... And I know that me and Calum would be good friends I just know it.


"So how was your guys day at school ?" I asked Lauren and Harry. Dinner is currently being dished out by Anne Marie as we all are huddled around the table.

"Really good I learned how to make Ice cream from liquid nitrogen" Lauren beamed while Harry went on about space facts he had learned. These kids were awesome and I'm glad I didn't get stuck with a house full of toddlers. We all ate dinner just the four of us. We all just silently guessed Ashton bolted cause no one had heard from him and no one saw him besides this morning. Once I had finished I helped Anne Marie put dishes away. We all decided on watching television for a little while, so we all piled into the living room and sat on the couch. And when I mean piled I meant me and Anne Marie next to each other and the other two sprawled out pretty much on top of us. We decided on Avengers and started to watch when the front door suddenly flew open and there stood ashton with two duffel bags in hand. Anne Marie smiled at him, he just gave her a sad look

"I guess I'm home for a little bit" he shrugged.

"Your welcome here Ashton, Anna can he put some of his clothes in your spare dresser in your room? " .......... "Anna?"

"Hmmm?" I had finally realized I had been spoken to after being so wrapped up in his sudden appearance.

"Can Ash use your dresser?" she asked I'm sure for the second time.

"Of course" I stated "i'll just go help you put things away then ?" I asked him and he nodded. Why did I have to make things so odd I silently cursed myself as I climbed the stairs. Once in my room I just pointed to the dresser and threw myself onto the bed.

"You do realize this is my room I know where things are " he cooly stated like he hadn't been rude

"Well if your going to be an asshole about it then I'll just tell Anne Marie I need that dresser and you can live out of a god damn duffle bag for all I care ?!" I burst.... Why was I being so hostile.

"Your quite the feisty one Anna. But I wasn't trying to be an asshole. I'm sorry." and with that I melted.

" It's okay I'm sorry I went crazy bitch on you" I chuckled at my use of words.

" Is it okay If we talk for a bit?" he calmly stated. I honestly didn't want to talk with him, I wanted to get away from him, but something possessed me to nod my head. So there we sat on my bed..... His bed ..... talking about current music and movies. Nothing too personal. We figured we both enjoyed the occasional Star Wars movie and that we loved All the same bands which surprised both of us equally. By the time midnight rolled around a passed out ashton was sprawled across my bed. I looked down to his nearby arm..... I hadn't realized he had worn so many bracelets before. I gently grazed my fingers across the multi colored bands. He had everything from bob Marley to band bracelets and they all were unique. I gently moved one up after another....when suddenly I froze... underneath was pink irritated scaring and scabs.... Cutting... He had hurt himself.

"what the hell Anna?!" He screamed. I guess I hadn't heard him stir while I was staring.

"Why?" I choked out. I hadn't realized I was crying. Why would anyone want to hurt themselves like this.

"Why are you crying... ?" He asked clearly puzzled

"Answer me.... Why Ashton?" I repeated

"Because I can't find the light anymore Anna." He responded as he looked away from me. I scooted closer to him and started removing the bracelets from his arms.

"What are you doing?" but before I could give him a proper answer I grabbed his fore arms and started gently kissing around the damaged skin. I don't know Ashton but I know no one deserves this torture. His demons surround him... They hang over him like a dark cloud. I looked up to see that tears were brimming in his eyes.

" Let me help you Ashton" I told him and he nodded. I made him lay down and I covered the boy up... This broken and lost boy.... And placed the bracelets on the dresser. Before I got back to the bed soft snores escaped his mouth. I grabbed pjs and started to head for the couch... When I stopped dead in my tracks..... I turned around and faced the sleeping boy and whispered

" Let me be your angel... let me save you"

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