Chapter 9: A Work of Art

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Anna's POV :

This cannot be happening. Stuff like this isn't suppose to happen. He was a dream. A beautiful dream. He wasn't suppose to be a reality ..... God. I sound crazy. He doesn't even know me. I don't even know him. I need to just look away.... Get away. Fuck the mail I'll get it later I decided as I turned my back to him and rushed out the door not looking back on the dumb founded boy.

Ashton's POV:

It looks like her. But she's different. Tattoos ? My Anna didn't have tattoos.... I sound like a madman. A complete lunatic. I stood there and watched as she argued with herself mentally.... And still stood there when she decided to leave.

Anna's POV :

I arrived to the studio not even 15 minutes later. I was full of energy. Nervous built up energy. I knew there was only one way to get out the feelings that had been built up by seeing the boy I dreamed About so often.... And that was to paint. 6 hours I painted. I painted a picture of him asleep in my dreams before I removed his bracelets. I wanted to remember the beauty I saw in him and the pain. The pain in which I had once suffered. And I kept painting and painting. It was Mid evening when I packed up and started heading home. As the chill in the streets hit my body I hugged my sweater tightly trying to savor some of its warmth. Tomorrow was one of the openings of my art gallery. I was showing off select pieces to auction off to help pay for my schooling. I never made much but it helped me. Once I got to apartment I let myself in... Knowing tomorrow was going to be an even longer day...... And as I laid in bed that night I prayed for his soothing voice to haunt my dreams.

Ashton's POV :

"Hey Kelly !" I shouted to the girl who say next to me in my business class. "Hey handsome " she replied. Kelly liked me. Everyone knew it. She was a great girl. Just not my type I guess. By the end of class she was ramblin on and on. I couldn't focus. All I could picture was Anna. "Are you even listening?" Kelly screeched

"Yes?" I replied

"Great so You can pick me up at 6". She beamed.

What in the hell did I just agree to....

Anna's POV :

A dress. A black dress. That's the only fancy thing I own?! "Shit" I mumbled under my breath as I paced in front if the closet. I drug out the black dress and pinned my hair out of my face. I decided against heels.... They really weren't my thing. And went for a pair of converse. It was who I was... I wasn't gonna change that. I hurried up and grabbed one of my last pieces and hurried out the door. I still had a lot of preparing to do.

Ashton's POV :

I picked kelly up. She looked pretty but I didn't want her to get the wrong message so I kept my opinion to myself. She had gotten tickets to an art showing. She thought It would be romantic. I thought it sounded boring. We arrived at the gallery at 7 after grabbing a bit of fast food.

"Enjoy the art" a man in a monkey tie instructed handing us a pamphlet stating the title of the collection..... "In my dreams" great. The first thought in my head was ..... This is going to be shapes or some shit that represent meaning and duh duh duh. Kelly wrapped her arm around mine as we approached the first piece.

The first painting was of an eye. A hazel green colored eye. I liked the color because it resembled mine in a sense. The painting was titled "the way you see me".We continued out walk when I reached a piece that froze me in my tracks. It was of a boy. He was laying down with his arm covering his chest,the scene looked way too familiar. The piece was titled "fallen angel"

"It kinda looks like you ash." Kelly giggled. She took the words right out of my mouth. I reached in my pocket looking for the pamphlet... Once I found it i stood there for what felt like ages looking at the small print at the bottom. ....... Artist: Anna Flynn.

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