Cat and Mouse

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(Shane's POV)

I opened my eyes, to find Joeys head rested on my chest, our legs intertwined. Wind was blowing through the open window. Strange, I thought it was closed, I untangled my legs and stood up, stretching. I grabbed my phone to check the time when I saw my twitter notifications blowing up. Thinking nothing of it, I set my phone on the table as I heard a knock at the door. 

I pulled open the front door, to Cat, a fellow youtuber. I never really liked her, and I thought she was always kind of clingy to Joey. Every time she's see him, she'd give him the same look that I give him. The kind of look you give to someone that you're in love with. 

"Shane?" She asked, surprised. "What are you doing here?" Her cheerful, nervous look turning into a scowl. She scanned the apartment, taking in the scene. Boxes everywhere, Joey asleep on the couch, both of us in pajamas, and my messy hair.  I noticed a creme colored envelope in her hands, addressed to Joey.

"Uh... well... I just needed a place to stay for the night. Lisa and I had a fight." I hoped my excuse would work.

"Yeah right, Shane. I'm not an idiot," She hissed quietly, trying to avoid waking Joey up. "I know that  you're after him, but its never going to work out. Joey will end up with me. He might think that he's gay, but its a phase. So its pointless to even try." She set the envelope on the coffee table and turned, her brown boots making a loud clicking noise against the wood floor.

I closed the door behind her and took a deep breath. My heart was racing. Something was up with her. I grabbed the envelope from the table and slowly opened it. 

Dear Joey,

Shane doesn't care about you. And he never will. He's using you to get over Lisa but I care. I love you Joey, and I always will. Not Shane. So come to me when you realize how Shane is using you, because I never will.

She's insane! I love Joey, and I'm definitely not using him. Him and are soulmates, and I knew it the moment I met him.  I began shredding the letter into little tiny pieces, tossing them in the trash. I layed back down with Joey, wrapping my arms around him tightly, as Cat's words echoed in my mind.

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