It Was Only Just A Dream

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(Joey's POV)

I jolted awake, smashing my head against the cold wall. A thin beam of light streamed from the window above me, illuminating a passed-out Shane. He was bruised and bloody, tied to a chair. Broken glass was strewn around the chair.

I heard the click of heels against the concrete floor, and Jessica stepped into view.

"Hello, Joey," She said, resting her hands on her hips. She stood above me, her smile wide.

"Where am I?" I asked, thrashing to attempt to free myself from the ropes tied around my wrists. 

"You don't remember?" She asked. I shook my head, my bare back freezing against the wall.

"Think about this," She held up a handgun, its silver sheen glinting in the moonlight. And then it came to me.

I jumped through the glass on the roof, ignoring the burning sensation in my thighs. I hit the concrete floor, just as Jessica pointed a small silver handgun directly at Shane.

"Stop, Jessica," I yelled. Shane looked up at me, his red eyes filled with terror. I stood in front of him, blocking Shane from her. I stepped forward quickly and grabbed the gun from her hand and threw it against the opposite wall. The metal sound reverberated around the empty room.

"Aw, Joey, you came to see me!" She leaned into me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I untangled them and pushed her off, my eyes narrowing.

"Cut the crap. Why the hell would you do this? You're insane." I knelt down beside Shane, cutting the ropes from his  wrists and legs with my pocket knife.

"Because I want you for myself, Joey. And I needed to get Shane out of the way." I rolled my eyes, anger coursing through my veins.

I helped Shane up as Jessica watched, a faint smirk across her lips. As soon as Shane stood, he fell, smacking his head against the hard floor. His eyes closed instantly.

"Shane!" I yelled, shaking him. I checked his pulse. I could feel it, but just barely. He lay cold on the floor as Jessica began to cackle. I stood up, cracking my knuckles. As I walked toward her, she smoothed the side of her skin-tight dress with her hands, almost seductively.

I walked straight towards her, till my face was parallel to hers. I glowered down at her. She reached up and rested both hands on my chest, pushing me slightly backwards till I hit the wall. What the hell?

Then I felt soft lips on mine, traveling down my face to my neck, then back up. I struggled to push her off, but I couldn't. She had pinned me, one arm on each side of me.

'Get off!" I yelled as she kissed my chest, pulling off my shirt. She just giggled and continued kissing me. She bit my lip hard and I yelled at her again, attempting to get her off. But it failed.

"Oh my god, Jessica, what did you make me do?" I yelled, struggling against the ropes. She just shrugged, bending down to my level. I was sitting on the floor as she crouched down, her brown eyes looking me up and down.

"We had... fun," She winked, trailing her fingers up and down my chest, her long red fingernals scratching me slightly.

"I can't believe you." I glared at her, trying to free myself to push her off. But the ropes held tight. 

"I'll see you later," She said and turned away, but not before kissing my ear. She walked away, swishing her hips. I was disgusted. I stood up as the door slammed shut behind her, the click of the lock echoing. It was freezing in the large room, and wind gusted through, making a small whistling noise. I ran over to Shane, my heart thudding.

"Please be okay," I whispered to him, resting my forehead against his. But he didn't wake up. "Shane, please baby, wake up." Tears began sliding down my cheeks, mixing with sweat. His head moved slightly and I sat up, praying silently. 

His blue eyes opened wide, and his mouth made a slight O. He mumbled something quietly.

"What is it, baby?" I said, moving to the side of his chair. He took a deep breath and began coughing. Blood spurted from his mouth as I screamed. He coughed again and again, more blood coming up. He finally stopped and leaned back, looking at me.

"Joey?" He croaked, his eyes only half open.

"I'm right here," I said, kissing his cheek. I could taste the blood and the salty sweet taste of tears. 

"I love you. Don't ever forget that," He told me, his eyes rolling back in his head, and his eyelids closing.

"God, I love you too, Shane." I said as his eyes shut. We needed to get him to a doctor and soon.

I"m really proud of how this chapter came out. And yes, Joey hasn't killed anyone, don't worry. It was a dream! But I'm having such big writers block, trying to figure out how they will escape. Ugh. Anyways, please vote, comment and share. I love you all so freaking much <3

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