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(Joey's POV)

It was peaceful as I stood there, once again in Shane's arms. We stayed there for what felt like an eternity, before I realized that we weren't together anymore.

I pushed his arms away from me and pulled my shirt back on, buttoning it up to cover the scars. 

"Why, Shane?" I said, referring to everything he'd done in the past few months.

"I.. I didn't want you to get hurt again," He told me, leaning in to kiss me. But I stepped back, moving from the wall.

"That's not an excuse. I suffered for three months, never leaving my apartment, because I was so heartbroken. You ruined everything. I was diagnosed with clinical depression, Shane! The pain I'd felt when you left me was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. And its thanks to you."

Shane was at a loss for words, his mouth opening and closing as if he were a fish.

"God, Joey. I didn't know that I had done this to you. I never wanted to hurt you like I did," A small, barely noticeable tear slid down his cheek, stopping at his stubble. 

"Well you did." My voice cracked as I talked, and my throat burned. I didn't want to cry. I needed to stay strong.

"And I'm so, so sorry that I did," He said, leaning in. I could smell his cologne, mingling with the stench of sweat in the air. I didn't respond, letting the tears begin to fall, dripping onto the tile floor. 

"Do.. do you maybe want to come home with me? Maybe we can talk things through," I said, and there was a pause after the words escaped my mouth. You could hear the two of us breathing as Shane nodded, a faint smile playing across his lips.

"I'd love that."

(Shane's POV)

I took Joey's hand, intertwining our fingers. His hand was cold and clammy, as it usually was when he was nervous. I led him from the bathroom to his table, where Meghan sat in confusion. 

"Shane?" She asked, her brown eyes wide with confusion. He mouthed something to her, and her smile went wide. "Have fun, you two!" She winked at me as I walked out of the resteraunt, Joey trailing behind.

I still remembered how to get to our old apartment, the road paved with memories. The drive was completely silent, except for the radio playing quietly.

When I parked out front, Joey got out of the car, motioning me to follow. He took my hand, still nervous, and led me up the stairs. He unlocked the door, his hands fumbling with the keys, and pushed it open.

I wasn't prepared for what I saw.

The apartment was a mess. The leather couch had been torn apart, stuffing falling out of every rip. Clothes and random shit covered the floor. Santa lay in his tiny bed, watching us warily from the corner. The kitchen counter was dusty, and a full pill bottle spilled out, tiny blue pills everywhere. There was an empty pack of razors on top of the trashcan.

"Joey?" I said worriedly. He shook his head, leading me to the bedroom. I sat down on the perfectly made bed, watching Joey as he sat stiffly beside me, head down.

I cleared my throat. "Joey, I made a mistake. I wasn't thinking right when i broke up with you, and these past few months have been a living hell. I love you. And I always will." Joey looked up at me, his cheeks red.

"I love you too, Shane. And I need you in my life." He shifted slightly closer to me.

"And I will stay in your life," I said, leaning forward. I connected our lips, and sparks flew, as they did the very first time. He pulled away first, his cheeks flushed. He smiled, the first time he had in months.

(Authors POV)

If you had looked inside of the two of them, you would have seen very different things. In Shane, you could only see happiness, and love, as you could on the outside. In Joey, you could see anger, sadness, and pain, fighting inside him. But he put up a front, pretending he was okay, as most of us do day by day. And things may seem okay now, but we all now something is going to fall apart again.

A/N This is the only update tonight. There will probably be one tomorrow, so keep an eye out for it (: And I don't like this chapter very much, it isn't very well written. But hmm.. qotd, who is your favorite youtuber? Leave a comment down below! I love you all, and please vote and share if you like this story!

This Is Our Story (Shoey Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن