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(Joey's POV)

When I arrived home from the charity event, the new apartment was quiet, except for the sound of Santa's paws clacking on the wood floors. I walked into our bedroom, expecting to find Shane asleep on the bed, but it was empty as well. 

"Shane?" I called, but my voice echoed and bounced off the walls. There was no response. Where the hell was he? It was 11:00 on a Sunday night. I fired off a quick text to him, and kicked off my leather shoes. I slid on a pair of shorts and a gray t-shirt, and walked back into the living room to watch some T.V. 

I clicked on the television, as BREAKING NEWS flashed across the screen. Santa climbed into my lap as the story started.

"I'm here on Pacific Beach, where an accident has just occurred. A car seems to have driven off the cliff, onto the sand. We've identified the car owner to be Shane Yaw, known as Shane Dawson on YouTube. His body is currently missing, but there was something written in lipstick across the windshield. It said, ' He didn't listen'. If anyone has any information about this kidnapping please call the number at the bottom of the screen."

My heart dropped. Thoughts began racing through my head. My breathing became staggered as my phone vibrated beside me. But I couldn't move. Shane has been kidnapped. And possibly killed. My phone continued to buzz as I sat, motionless. I felt nauseous and dizzy. As my phone rang for the 5th time, I finally picked it up.

"Joey! Oh my god, you're okay!" A panicked voice said into my ear. 

"Theresa?" I asked, referring to Shane's mom.

"Yes, honey! Do you know what happened?" I could hear her crying as she talked.

"No, I don't. But, he left early from the charity event, something was clearly bothering him." Theresa didn't respond at first, she only sobbed and sniffled. 

"I'll be right over, honey. I think we should stay together and keep an eye out for any information."

"No, I'll come over there. It's to late for you to drive," I told her, already grabbing my keys.

"Okay," She said quietly, then hung up the phone.

(Shane's POV)

I opened my eyes to darkness. There was a thin beam of light shining from a small window above me, but otherwise it was dark. I struggled to move my hands, but they were bound onto the chair I was sitting on. My eyes burned, and my body ached as I tried to wriggle free. 

I heard a door creak, and a figure stepped into the light.

"Jessica," I spat, glaring up at her.

"Shane," She mocked, walking towards me. She walked in a circle around the chair, scanning me from head to toe.

"Let me go." The ropes burned my wrists.

"Now, why would I do that? You would just run on home to Joey, and that would ruin my plan." She giggled slightly. 

"What's your plan?" I asked her, as I watched her circle the chair. She grinned, her skin pale white in the moonlight.

"Well, I'm sure it's on the news by now about the accident. Joey will hear about it, think you're dead, and I will be there to catch him. He'll fall for me, and forget ALL about you, Shane." Her plan brought tears to my eyes. She couldn't just take him from me. I felt the tears began to run down my blood streaked face, and she threw her head back, laughing.

"How could you do that? Joey's gay," I croaked, my voice hoarse. She gave me one last look as she sauntered away towards the door.

"I can change that."

(Joey's POV)

It's been a week. No new updates on Shane's story. I just felt lost, broken without him. I'd had many friends come to visit and take care of me, trying to cheer me up, but it never worked. I needed Shane. 

I turned over on the couch, my eyes unfocused as I stared at the wall. There was a knock at the door, and I groaned. 

"Its open," I said, my voice cracking. I lifted my head as Jessica walked in, a smile on her face.

"How are you doing, Jo-Jo?" She asked, sitting down on the opposite end of the couch. I looked at her, not responding. She took my hands in hers. "I'm so sorry that this happened to you, I can't imagine how awful you're feeling." She leaned into me, and I could smell her sickly sweet perfume. 

"You have no idea." She scooted forward, her lips an inch from mine.

"Will this make you feel better?" She moved forward, pressing her lips against mine.

There you go! There will probably be one more chapter up later tonight (: Ily, thanks for reading <3

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