Hide and Seek

993 29 15

A/N Before you read this chapter... holy crap 1k reads you guys! I never thought it would happen but it did and I honestly cannot believe it! Thank you so much, and i love you guys so freakin much! And you guys should also go check out @shoeysauce 's story :) Its called Criminal and I love it so far! Please go give it some love! Get her to 150 reads?

(Shane's POV)

I watched Joey sleep peacefully in the hospital bed as my phone chimed again. Can the stalker just leave me alone. I was worried for my safety, and Joey's as well.

Just give it up, Shane. You aren't going to have him for much longer xx

I tpunched the wall angrily, and Joey jolted awake. My knuckles burned.

"What are you doing?!" He asked, rubbing his eyes. My heart was racing. 

"Nothing," I lied. "I just, um, saw a bug?" Joey stared at my suspiciously, then turned over and went back to sleep. I watched him for a moment, then stood up from my chair, collecting my coat. I stepped out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind me. I needed to go confront the few people I had guessed it could be.

I sat in my car, making a mental list of who the Stalker could be. I decided to try Meghan Camarena first. The drive was short, and I was nervous. Meghan had always seemed like a nice girl, but now I wasn't so sure. 

I pulled up outside her house, and parked the car. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest as I rapped on the door.

"Shane!" She said happily, pulling me into a hug. I stood stiffly. "What are you doing here?"

"Was it you, Meghan?" I glared at her accusingly. She crinkled her eyebrows in confusion.

"What??" She said, very confused.

"The texts. Did you send them?" I crossed my arms.

"What texts? I haven't texted you since we did that collab in October," She looked up at me, her eyes filled with concern.

"Someone's been texting me all these crazy things. Someone wants to take Joey away from me."

"It definitely wasn't me. I'm in a happy relationship, and I wouldn't want to screw that up." I sighed in relief. I was glad it wasn't Meghan, I genuinely liked her. 

"How are you holding up? With the Cat thing, I mean," I asked her, my voice becoming less cold and more caring. She sighed and looked down at her feet.

"It's really hard. She was one of my best friends, and I'd never lost someone like that before." Her voice cracked on the word 'friends'. "But Joey is closer to me, and I can not believe that she stabbed him. I knew she liked him at one time, but this is crazy." I hugged her tightly.

"Stay strong. I'll talk to you soon." I began walking back down the path to my car. She waved.

"You too, Shane."

The entire car ride back, I tried to think of who it could be. There were so many possibilities. It may even be a crazy fan-girl. He doesn't call them psychopaths for nothing. 

When I walked up to the front door, I could see a pink post-it note stuck to it. I pulled it off.

You were wrong, Shane. I'm not as close as Meghan, but I'm not that far away either xx

I read the note, digging my nails into my palm. Whoever it was knows where I live?! Joey and I needed to get out of here, I unlocked the apartment and stepped inside. 

The entire apartment was trashed. Clothes and books everywhere. The bar stools were upside down, and there was a rip in the sofa. I felt a breeze and looked to my left. The front window was open, the red curtains fluttering in the breeze. Holy shit. I picked up the smashed photo frame at my feet. It was a picture of Joey and I kissing. There was a red lipstick X over my face, and an identical pink post-it note attached to the top.

I always win, Shane. And I'm not losing to someone like you this time xx

I slumped down on the floor, defeated. How could someone do this to us. I needed to get us out of this apartment, and soon.

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