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(Shane's POV)

I drove up to the restaurant, tired and hungry after a long day of shooting. I pulled into the parking lot and walked in, sitting down at my favorite table.

I ordered my usual and stood up, needing to use the bathroom. As I walked in, someone leaving bumped into me, sending sparks up my arm. I turned, curious, and gasped, a thousand thoughts running through my mind.

"Joey?..." I whispered.

(Joey's POV)

"Oh my god, Meghan" I said, my head resting on the back of the couch. The T.V blared in the background.

"I'm just so glad you finally answered me," She cried, and I could tell she was smiling.

"Whatever," I said, rolling my eyes and picking at the leather on the couch.

"Will you please please please come to dinner with me? Just put on some real clothes and meet me outside in 10," She said, her voice pleading.

"No, I'm not leaving. I don't want to." My voice was hoarse. I hadn't talked in forever, and it seemed so loud in the apartment. I was used to the silence.

'Yes you are. It's not healthy, Joey! I haven't seen you in forever. Come on, just this once." I knew Meghan wouldn't give up.

'You know what else isn't healthy? Me, Meghan. I'm mentally sick, remember?" I continued picking off leather from the couch. It had become a nervous habit for me. Most of the couch was torn apart now.

I could hear her sigh loudly. "I know, Joey. That's why you need to get off the couch and come out for dinner with me."

"Fine. Whatever. I'll see you in 10.' I hung up the phone and threw it onto the ruined love-seat, walking into the bedroom. I pulled on a flannel shirt and skinny jeans, not bothering to style my overgrown hair. I shaved quickly, then slid on a pair of boots and left the apartment, locking it behind me.

Meghan was idling at the curb outside the front door, and her eyes lit up as I opened the door on the passenger side. 

"Joey!" She squealed, throwing her arms around me. I sat still for a second, then hugged her back. She looked me up and down, a wide grin spread across her face. "I missed you so much," She said, squeezing my hand.

'Me too," I responded, watching out the window as she drove. 

The restaurant was nearly empty, but I still felt nervous being around people again. As Meghan ordered, I slipped off to the bathroom.

I washed my face in the sink, my heart thumping. I felt so weird being out in public again. I rubbed my eyes, then stepped out of the bathroom. As I was leaving, I felt someone bump into my shoulder. I turned to look at them, and my heart plummeted.

"Joey?" Shane whispered, his eyes wide as he scanned my body. I suddenly felt sick, as if I was going to vomit everywhere.

(Shane's POV)

"Joey?..." I whispered. There he was, in the flesh. I scanned him up and down, stifling a gasp. He was extremely thing, bones poking out from the fabric of his blue and green shirt. His skinny jeans sagged everywhere. His eyes were purple and swollen, and his lips red and cracked. His hair was wild, as if it hadn't been trimmed in months.

"I-" He was at a loss for words. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bathroom. He was un-responsive to me as I locked the door behind us. He looked close to tears.

"God, I missed you so much," I said, watching him. His eyes were a dullish-gray, not bright like they once were. He looked shocked at my words, and I saw him dig his fingers into his palms. 

I didn't know what I was doing at that moment, but I leaned in to kiss him. He didn't move for a second, but then began kissing back. I wrapped my arms around him, pushing him slightly against the wall. The kiss deepened as his tongue explored my mouth. I grinded our hips together slightly and a moan escaped his mouth. I disconnected our lips as I began un-buttoning his flannel. As I reached the bottom button, I gasped. Joey looked down at me, worriedly.

You could see each and every one of his ribs. They jutted out at awkward angles, which proved he had barely been eating. But that wasn't the most shocking thing. His chest and stomach was covered with scars and cuts. I slid the shirt off all the way, and more cuts exposed themselves.

"Joey?" I asked. His eyes were closed and sweat trickled down from his brow. He was nervous.

"Yeah?" He managed to squeak out, his voice high.

"Did you... do this?" I said, a lump forming in my throat. He opened his eyes to meet mine, and I could see the tears forming. 

He nodded slightly, and I pulled him tightly against me, hugging him close. I felt tears drip onto my shoulders. I did that to him. I made Joey's life so bad that he harmed himself.

"I'm so sorry. For everything," I murmured into his hair. And somehow I knew that from now on, everything was going to be okay again.

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