Chapter 1- Silent Night

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Sang's POV:

My footsteps were silent as I walked through the dense woods, the leaves and twigs snapped silently under the soles of my worn out shoes. My black Jean and black singlet were old but they did the job of helping me blend into the night.

My stomach clenched in pain, in hunger. My last actual meal was years ago, and now my small feed that only consisted of wild berries and tree nuts. That meal only fed the human side of me, the animal inside me was thirsty, it craved, it begged to be fed.

I hadn't tasted real blood for 3 years, forced to survive off small animal blood kept me weak and hungry, but I had to fight off those urges. I couldn't kill another person, I didn't want to take blood from a person who was unwilling, it made me feel like even more of a monster. For all I know, I could be the only one of my kind, species, animal?

What ever I was to be called I had accepted it since I was young, but the day I ran away from my horrid step mother and people I couldn't call family changed my life.

It was on a stormy night, the winds howled with such ferocity that if whipped against the roof of the house angrily. I had just walked down the stairs when I felt a sharp pain against the side of my head before I fell down the stairs. My limbs banging against each other as I toppled the rest of the way.

With a crash I leant against the wall at the bottom of steps, the cuts and bruises slowly healing on their own. My eyes met the woman who raised me, not my mother, a stranger. Her eyes filled with malice and disgust.

"You filthy wh**e, thinking you can walk around flashing the boys in the street, your a dirty sl*t like your mother!" Her words no longer hurt, I was dead inside and out already.

I was tired of her games and her words, so I stood up and without a glance back I walked out the back door and into the forest behind my house.

Days had passed and I continued my journey, to where? I wasn't sure, but I kept my feet moving and my head held high, even when my feet tripped from hunger.

I had found my way here, a dense forest, but I wasn't sure where it actually was. It was a beautiful place, the trees were green and the shrubs were lush. There were trees and bushes with edible berries and nuts which kept me sustained, wild animal that I took only small amount of blood from, never wants to kill anything.

And now as I crept through the forest towards my resting place I felt free, even though I knew sooner or later I would die because my animal side was never truly fed, and I was scarred that after this long period without human blood I would release my animal and wreck havoc.

When I pushed my fangs out now they were weak and small, still sharp but the teeth themselves were not strong enough for battle. My speed and strength were that of a normal man. I sighed quietly, accepting my fate.

As the moon became its highest in the sky I reached my small cave, hidden behind dark green and mossy shrubbery. I pushed the leaves and branches aside and walked in picking up the two stones at the entrance and scratching them together, lighting a homemade torch.

I continued deeper into the cave, cleaned from webs and nasty critters, the deeper the cave became the more at home I felt. This place was something to call my own, I smiled, but it was only a lift of my lips.

At the back of the cave was a pile of stitched together leaves to form a soft bedding and a fire pit in the middle. I didn't need the bed, I didn't sleep but something soft to lay down on was nice.

Hidden against the wall were all of the weapons I had crafted myself. Wooden swords, knifes and other weapons with the tip being sharp rock. I had even crafted a few stakes, in case I ever run into another of my kind, if there was any.

The only facts I knew about vampires were all learnt from book I had borrowed from Marie, my older sister, or films I had seen my "mother" or sister watching.

As I laid back against the leaves, bringing another over me as a blanket, blowing out the fire, I stared at the ceiling of the cave and wondered if I'd ever meet my mate. Our species were meant to have one or more, but I didn't know if that was true for me or not. Had my mother ruined me?

Start of a new Fanfiction. This one was mention in 'Sweet and Spicy' which is now deemed, stopped for now.
This is the start of something big and I hope you enjoy it!

Rose (ooooo a hint to my name, is it my first, middle, last or nick name? You might find out)

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