Chapter 10- No More Night

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Sang's POV:

I had woken up sandwiched between both Owen and Sean, their cold bodies were warmer than mine. Sean slept in only sleep pants, his sculpted chest was against the front of mine, which could lead to very dirty thoughts.

After a quick make out session between both Sean and Owen, though quick is at least 1 hour. We had shared intense, heated and sweet kisses throughout the night. They had brought me pleasure no man has ever done before, I was in bliss.

Mothers words ran through my head though of being a floozy, but that didn't matter, these boys, men were my mates. Though I had yet to tell them that there will be more mates, which leads to what I'm doing now.

Cooking in Sean's kitchen is a nightmare, it's rude of me to say, but bloody hell, it was organised weirdly. Pots were with cups and pans were with plates. Spoons were with fryers and bowls were with baking dishes. For someone who seemed to love to be organised the kitchen was a mess.

I wanted to clean it, I wanted to re-arrange everything but this wasn't my home, I already felt rude to use his utensils without permission.

After I had found all the ingredient I needed I began to make breakfast. I had no clue what they liked, did they like protein breakfast of sausages, bacon? How did they like their eggs? Or were they sweet toothed liking pancakes, waffles, French toast?

I wanted to sweeten up to them before I dropped the bomb. As I was setting down the plates of food on the counter Sean and Owen ran in wide eyed starring at the food but more importantly me, with silly grins on their faces.

They looked young.

"Hello Pookie."
"Hello Darling."

They spoke at the same time making me giggle, which just lit their eyes up in delight. I walked up to them grabbing both of their hands, the usual sparks filled my body in electricity.

"Come on, I made you breakfast." I pulled their hand towards the food with a smile on my face. I guess something did come out of living with that woman, I could cook.

The boys gazed at the food with astonishment. I fiddled with my hands poking my lip.

"I didn't know what you like or how much you ate, so what ever you don't like or don't eat we can package it up for another time." I was nervous now. What if they didn't like the food?

Sensing my nerves Sean rubbed his hand up and down my arms forming goosebumps. "We'll love anything you make us pumpkin." Both of the boys took seat on the bar stools, and dug into the food with force.

They moaned out in delight from the taste, shooting sparks and heat to my core. I shuffled to the third bar stool between both Owen and Sean and grabbed some pancakes, ones with chocolate chips.

Sean laughed at my choice, and I raised a confused eyebrow. "One of my brothers would have an issue with your choice of food where as one of my other brothers would be bouncing in delight thinking your his dream girl."

Owen let out a small chuckle and I loved to know more about these boys life.

Swallowing the pancake in my mouth, I asked Sean "how many brothers do you have?"

Sean glanced above my head to meet Owen's eyes, a silent communication occur. As it broke he looked at me, with a serious expression, something that seemed odd on his features.

"Pookie I don't have any biological brothers, all 8 of my brothers are from choice. Family is a choice... Parents and siblings are your relations. Family takes care of one another and helps each other. Even stuffy old Owen over their is my brother."

I felt that now was better than ever to say it, straight out, no stuttering Sang. I pumped myself up for this, I was ready. I took a deep breathe in and stared at the food.

"I have more mates than you two." I thought my phrasing wasn't that good, but I didn't actually know how to approach it. I wanted to rip the bandaid off in one clean pull.

Cutlery clattered against the glass of the plates and the rest of the room was silent. I could feel Owen and Sean communicate above my head with their eyes, the silence was deafening.

I heard Owen sigh.

"Sang, Darling. Yesterday me and Dr. Green talked. We thought that if you were our two mates there was a possibility that you were also our brothers'. Sang we're not mad at you, this wasn't your choosing, we're okay with it. We believed yesterday that this would happen."

I started at him in shock. My mouth gaping open like a fish out of water. I felt Sean hug me from behind pulling me against his chest.

His breathe ghosted my ear, whispering "Pookie do you wanna come meet some of our brothers?" I looked back at him, his eyes were hopeful.

I gave a nervous smile and nodded.

But what I couldn't forget was how he said he had 8 brothers.

Does that mean.... 9 mates.

Sorry for no update yesterday as it was Christmas. I hope you all enjoyed it, and got very spoilt.

Yes there will be a sexy scene between Owen, Sean and Sang detailing what happened during the night. I just wanted to be a bit evil and cheeky where I place it.

But as you can guess it would a flashback of sorts or looking back into her memories. But not at great times.

Hope you enjoy this chapter it was sort of fluff.

Love you all

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