Chapter 12- Starry Night

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Sang's POV:

It felt awkward sitting in your mate's car when they are talking someone else who is another one of your supposed mates.

I couldn't see the guy that opened the door, he stood still within the house, Owen and Sean stood side by side blocking any few of the man.

I knew they were telling him about me, about the situation I hoped. I continued to stare at them, and I knew they could feel my gaze on them, even through the the darkly tinted windows.

I didn't know how long had passed, I couldn't smell him to see if he was my mate. The cars shut doors and windows blocked out my sense of any other smell besides what was in the car.

Lust, need, and our three scents were all I could smell and it was not helping the situation down below.

Sean and Owen took a step backwards, and headed down the stairs. The figure who emerged from the house was dark and brooding. I couldn't only see his back as he locked the house, though a midnight black shirt was stretched across his shoulders which were tensed.

I sighed, of course it was my fault he would be anxious, nervous, annoyed to have to share his mate if I was it.

His legs were covered his black jeans and boots covered his feet. All of their clothes were nice and new clothes, it always made me feel dirty. I hoped I could get a job soon and then maybe buy some new clothes.

As the figure turned away from the door and faced the car I could feel his dark brown eyes starting right through me, I shifted in my seat. This man looked dangerous, but looks were just looks.

His hair wasn't styled it was naturally handsome. His lips were full and I wanted to suck on them.

I pinched my leg.

I shouldn't have these thoughts about him until after I find out if he's my mate or not.

He had a gold hoop through one of his ears. His face was the most dark. A deep scowl seemed to be etched into his features. If I met this man in the forest instead of Owen I wouldn't of even ran, I would be no match for his muscle, large height and figure.

I moved to the opposite seat behind the drivers, meaning he could easily get in the car that way instead of walking around the whole car.

Owen opened his door first and looked back at me in confusion as I moved seats. I softly smiled at him and he grinned back, but his eyes held a small amount of fear that he couldn't hide from me, no matter how high he built his walls.

The opening of Sean's door allowed new scents to fill the car and the new figure approached. I could feel myself melting into the leather.


It was an addictive scent, and it had my breathing increase and my ovaries exploding.
Shit, that smell was man. Swearing was one of the things I had learnt in that place of residence as a kid. An obnoxious sister and a too loud mother had taught me it.

The door to the back seat opened, I was too nervous to look at him, too embarrassed. My smell of arousal was still in the air, but the smell of musk just drove my core to an insane temperature.

The door closed after he had seated himself, my hair covered his view of me. I wanted to turn and look at him, but I knew if I did I would jump his bones. From my erotic thoughts before and now a new mate I don't think I could stay good.

I could feel he was my mate, the electricity between us crackled and my heart felt that bit more complete, I felt a connection to the dangerous man next to me.

I could feel the car in motion but it didn't matter to me. A calloused hand met my chin, turning my face to its owner.

This man oozed sex appeal, and had my body buzzing. I could see his intake of air as we met eyes. My haunted ones meeting his dark ones that were slowly turning darker each second we starred at each other.

I swallowed, my throat feeling dry. We continued to stare at each other, his hand still on my chin. I bit my lip in nerves as a blush covered my cheeks, his eyes drawn to the movement as a growl rumbled his chest.

I could feel a slight movement from the passenger seat but we had already launched ourselves at each other.

Sorry for the cliff hanger of a chapter... like always
I do love you all though.


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