Chapter 2- Whispers In The Night

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Sang's POV:

I never usually left the cave during the times when the sun was up, the sunlight didn't burn, that was just a myth, but it was more dangerous in broad daylight than the shine of the moon.

Each day was the same nearly, I would sharpen my weapons that were already sharp, but I would fix the shapes and holds of each, some times making new ones. Sometimes if I was risking it I would walk around just outside my cave, making sure I was in close distance to it for an escape.

Some days I would stare off into space in the cave wondering what could happen to me if things were different, if I wasn't a vampire, if I found my mates, all of them were what ifs. Things i couldn't look into, because I was me.


As the sun set and the moon began to rise, I changed into ripped dark grey jeans, the rips and tears not actually meant to be there, I wore a loose black shirt, sizes too big, the forest was cold at night but the hot summer air here had me sweating.

Walking out of the cave had my senses alert, each noise louder than it truly is, my sight focused on each movement that surrounded me. Each smell was alive, the wet dew, great smell of floral and the scent of fresh water. As I continued to get deeper and deeper into the forest in the hunt for food my senses continued to be alert.

I had picked some red berries and nuts which I nibbled on until I came across a deer. It was ate the green grass, my sight still as strong in the dark night. I silently crept up to it from behind and leapt at it.

I latched onto the back of the deer and I could feel my fangs extend and sink into the back of the deer. I could feel the warm blood fill my mouth, the unruly taste of an animals red liquid is something I'm still not used to. The taste is disgusting but it's what keeps me going, the taste of human blood is delicious..... I shake my head getting rid of those thoughts.

I release my fangs before I draw too much blood and the deer runs away in fear, each time I draw blood I always get the after effects. I sink to my knees, my body shaking. I'm not afraid.

I'm only shaking because of how scared and hurt the poor deer looked. I shake because of the hate I have for having to hurt others to survive. I wipe my mouth with my wrist and lick my teeth to remove the last evidence of blood.

In my shakes I don't realise the delicious scent that fills my nose and makes my heart speed up, I don't realise my how my eyes darken to lust. I don't realise until it's too late the man who stands in front of me. Eyes black with lust, ringed with an inhuman red, fangs slipping from his lips.

My eyes must look to same as his, but without the red and without the fangs, the animal inside of me still sleeps, waiting to be awaken when it gains its energy back from the use of human blood, or that of a vampire. Though my mouth still waters at his scent and appearance.

His eyes quickly change back to his normal eye colour and he swipes his mouth with his hand and when it's down his fangs have gone back. His steel eyes are sharp and calculating look down upon me, covered with black rimmed glasses, but as he sees the horror in my eyes his soften.

He takes one more step towards me in his grey suit ensemble, with a white button down shirt, a maroon tie down the middle, not a crease in sight. His hair perfectly comb back, deep brown tresses covering his milky, pale skin. His movements snap me out of my haze and I jump up and break out a run.


Enjoy lovelies


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