Chapter 6- Through The Night

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Owen Blackbourne's POV:

My arms around beautiful Sang as she passed out have a heart attack, if mine was still beating. With my super speed I ran, I ran faster than I had ever run before, I didn't care if the humans saw my speed, my mate was in danger. Her soft body made electricity run through my veins that made me feel alive once more.

When we had reached my car I slid her into the passenger seat, buckling her in and then doing the same for myself. I sped away from the car park I was in, breaking at least 5 traffic laws. None of that mattered to me though, all that did was the girl who lay weak beside me.

Every now and then I would take a glance at her soft and doll like features, she was magnificent, and she was mine.

I drove way over the limit, I knew what was wrong with her, I knew she hasn't had human or vampire blood for years, and this is what its done to her. I didn't know what else was wrong with her though. My grip on the steering wheel tightened, my already white knuckles turned whiter. I would fix her, I would save her, I would make Sang into who she was before this starvation. I wan to hear her laugh, I want to see her smile, I want her to be herself.

I only knew one person who I could take her to. Phil would ask questions and I know nothing of my mate yet, besides the fact that she didn't see to like strangers. Phil is an amazing man and doctor but right now that isn't what I needed. I don't believe she is that of a full blood or that of a child from the rulers, unlike others I know.

The only person who appeared in my mind to help her was a doctor who was too flirty, and who always had the pleasure to annoy me. I shook my head, a smile playing on my lips, he is my bestfriend though. We'd been through thick and thin, together for as long as I would want to remember.

Pressing buttons on the control centre of the car, I began to ring Dr. Green. The volume low in effort to not wake up my Darling. He picked up on the second ring, his humour filled voice echoed in the small space.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of speaking to the all mighty Owen Blackbourne?" I could sense his smile through his tone, I could imagine his curly hair flopping down into his eyes.

"Sean now isn't the time for games."

I could hear the shock in his next sentence, from the way I said his first name. He knew something was wrong.

"Owen what is it? Are you in trouble? Are you hurt, sick, in danger?" He continued to ramble off possible outcomes of what could be wrong.

"Dr Green! Enough, it is not me who is hurt, I'm on my way to you residence as we speak and I need you to do a check up. Have some blood bags there please aswell. Everything is fine." I cut the call there, I didn't want him to worry, everything wasn't fine.

My heart ached with the need to protect Sang, I had to make sure she was well. I know we just met, but without her I would be nothing. I continued to steal glances in her direction, she was still out cold but her skin continued to pale.

My foot pushed harder on the gas, I took one hand on the wheel and ran my fingers softly against her docile cheek, I knew that with full strength she wouldn't be weak, she would be as powerful as the rest of our species.

I pulled into a parking space at Sean's apartment, the tires skidding against the road. I ran to my mates side of the car, unbuckled her belt, lifted her from her seat and snuggled her into my chest. Holding her bridal style I didn't have time to take the elevator.

I used my speed to run up the stairs to Sean's floor and burst into his door. Kicking it shut with the back of my foot I fast paced walked towards the lounge room where I could smell Sean's scent.

He was facing forward but as soon as my foot stepped into the room, he jumped up to face me, his eyes dark and hungry, desirous as he stared at the bundle of blonde hair and pale skin in my arms. I growled out, not liking how he was looking at my mate, but there was more important things to deal with.

Though before I could place her own the couch Sean's words surrounded us.


Hey lovelies, I'm going to try and post at least one chapter per day. You guys seemed to like this story so I shall continue it.

And oh my meeting flirty Dr Green

Sorry for the some what cliff


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