5. Brother & Sister

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When we got back home Niall grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs.

“Niall, what are we doing?!” I giggle.

“We are going to have a brother-sister day!” He smiled.

“What are we going to do?” I asked as he pulled me into his room. I looked around and noticed it was a lot like his room at home. His bed was queen sized and he had a light blue bed spread and white sheets. He had a nightstand on the side of the bed closest to the door. On the nightstand was a lamp, a plugged in phone charger, and a couple pictures. There was a dresser across from her bed, on the other side of the room. There were more pictures on there and a couple watches and change and some other random junk. I sat on his bed and looked at the pictures on his nightstand. One was of our parents. Another one was of Theo, our nephew. The last one was of me, him, and Greg. It was the summer before he left for the X Factor. I picked it up and smiled.

“I love that picture.” Niall said, sitting beside me.

“I remember it like it was yesterday!” I sighed. I tried to hold back my tears. “It was super hot and we had nothing to do so you snuck out into the backyard and started the sprinkler. Then you grabbed the other hose and hid by the back door. I got worried that you didn’t come back so I made Greg go with me to check on you. We walked out and you sprayed us. We ran around with hoses and ran through the sprinkler. Mom caught us and took a picture. We were fully clothed, but soaking wet. One of the best day’s ever!” I laughed sadly.

“Aw sis, don’t cry!” Niall teased. He wrapped me in a big hug and kissed my forehead. “I would do anything to go back to that day. Before the fame, the hate, the missing… Harry.” Niall whispered.

“The missing?”

“Missing you, and Greg, and mom and dad.”

“We miss you too. You don’t know how many times mom has seen you on some interview or something and cried her eyes out.”

“I wish I could be there and be a better big brother for you.”

“I have Greg. And you are a good brother! You’re my idol.”

“I’m your idol?”

“Yeah! You followed your dream, and look where you are now.”

“Well no matter what happens with me or you or Harry, you are my little sister and I will love you more than anything.” Niall said. I looked at him and saw a tear run down his face which made all of my feelings burst out. I cried into his chest as he cried into my hair.

“You’re the best brother I could ever ask for.” I cried. After a couple minutes we both calmed down and sighed.

“Do you want to watch some movies?” Niall asked.

“I would love that.” I smiled. Niall put in Sleepover and I smiled at him.

“I thought you hated this movie!” I laughed.

“I do, but we used to watch it when we were kids so let’s play pretend for the night.”

“Well, if we are going to be kids…” I started. I ran into my room and got on my pajamas. I ran back and Niall broke into wild laughter when he saw me. He ran into his closet and came out and I laughed too. I was wearing my Eeyore footsie pajamas. They were all fuzzy blue and have a hood that is Eeyore’s face. It also has an attachable tail. Niall was dressed in his American flag footsie pajamas that he wore on one of the boys’ X Factor Diaries.

“You look amazing.” I teased.

“You don’t look too bad yourself!” He chuckled. “Let’s go get some snacks!” Niall said. We went downstairs and the boys started laughing at us in our ridiculous outfits. We ignored them and ran into the kitchen. We grabbed some sodas and made a couple bags of popcorn. All the boys decided to come and take pictures of us. They had their phones out and were taking a billion pictures. Niall and I did weird poses and then laughed. Harry was behind the other guys, leaning against the wall and eating a sandwich.

“You look stupid.” Harry told me in a serious tone.

“I’m just tying to have fun with my brother.” I told him.

“You could at least look decent. I’m having a hard time keeping my food down.”

“That’s enough Harry!” Niall mumbled. Harry scoffed and rolled his eyes then walked away. Niall had poured the popcorn into two bowls and handed me one. We grabbed our sodas and napkins and went back upstairs.

“I’m sorry Harry is such a jerk.” Niall sighed.

“It’s ok, it isn’t your fault.” I told him. We started the movie and sat back and watched it.

“Let’s pick our characters!” I smiled. No matter who I’m with, if we are watching a movie we pick a character to be in whatever movie we are watching.

“I’m sponge bob!” Niall said quickly.

“His real name is Russell!”

“Whatever! Who are you?”

“I’ll be Julie!” I smiled. He nodded and looked at the screen. The popcorn had been gone within five minutes of the movie. Before the movie ended I had fallen asleep.

“Niall!” I whisper yelled to my brother. He moved around but didn’t get up. “Niall, I made a big breakfast and the boys are going to eat it all.” I taunted. He opened his eyes and looked at me intensely.

“Are you just saying that to wake me up?” He asked.

“Maybe.” I said.

“Brat.” He mumbled. I started to tickle him, thinking that would get him up. He twitched a little, but not that much. “You really want to play that card?!” He asked. Before I got to answer Niall had pinned me to the bed and started to tickle my ribcage.

“Stop!” I screamed, laughing.

“Never!” He laughed. Eventually he started laughing so hard that he couldn’t stay up and plopped onto the bed again. We just laid there together and laughed like crazy people. Like crazy mofos!

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