7. Questions and Answers

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I stirred around, not wanting to wake up yet. I rolled onto my stomach and felt my face smashed into a piece of paper. I sat up and opened my eyes. I grabbed the piece of paper and read it.


                   The boys and I had a meeting to go to for some

                   reason so we won’t be home for another hour.

                   If you need me or one of the other boys, you

                    know our numbers so just call us. Btw Harry

                   wouldn’t wake up so he is still home. Sorry we

                   left you with him…


I sighed and got out of bed. I grabbed my slippers and walked out of the room. I went into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. I ate it quickly then went back upstairs. Half way up I saw a sleepy Harry walk out of his room. He looked at me and smiled.

“Why are you smiling at me?” I asked.

“Uh…I wasn’t.” he said.

“Yes you were. You’re always nice to me when we are alone. Why do you do that?” I asked him. He walked past me and into the living room. I followed him and saw him on the couch.

“I want an answer!” I told him. He sighed and got up. He ran up the stairs and I chased him again. We ran into his room and I slammed the door. “You have to tell me sometime!” I said sternly.

“No, actually, I don’t!”

“Yes you do! I deserve an explanation at least!”



“Please, just stop!”

“Why are you only nice to me when it’s just the two of us? You are horrible to me when we are in front of the guys! Obviously, you aren’t trying to impress them because you five are like brothers so answer me please!”

“Makenna please go away!”

“Tell me why!”

“I can’t!”

“Why can’t you?!”

“I just can’t!”


“I promised him!” he yelled. He instantly covered his mouth and tried to leave his room again. I stood in front of the door and locked it.

“Harry. Who did you promise?” I asked. He shook his head. “I already know something and I will go to Niall if I have to.”

“NO! You can’t go to Niall!”


“Makenna, I promised Niall something. And I swore never to break it.”

“You have to tell me.”

“Niall made me promise to be a jerk to you because I liked you a lot when we first met. He knew most of your past and he didn’t want you to get hurt. He thought I would hurt you and I told him I never would but he made me swear to not do anything to make you like me. So I bullied you. The night you came to my room because you thought you heard a dog…I know you heard me crying. I would never intentionally hurt you, but I promised him. Please know that I never mean the stuff I say and that I really like you.” Harry said softly.

“You hurt me, and hurt me, and hurt me…” I started. His face turned sad and I smiled. “And somehow I still found a way to fall in love with you.” I said. He smiled at me too. He connected our lips and kissed me softly.

“I’ve wanted to do that since the first day I met you.” Harry whispered.

“I love you Harry.”

“I love you too Makenna.”

“This whole time we could’ve been doing this and instead we were arguing! I’m going to kill my brother.”

“Niall can’t know that I broke our promise! We have to figure out a plan so we can still se each other but not let any of the guys know. And I have to keep being mean to you or else he will know something is up. We can just ignore each other for a while I guess so I don’t have to say anything hurtful.”

“Ok, so what’s the plan going to be?” I asked. After a while of discussing it we figured something out. I am going to leave the house sometimes and tell Niall I need some time to myself. Harry is going to go jogging every morning because he ‘feels like he’s out of shape’. We will meet somewhere and have a date without the boys knowing. To plan stuff we will slip notes into each other’s rooms or pockets or a secret handoff.

“The plan is perfect!” Harry smiled.

“Yeah, the guys will be home any minute now…” I said.

“Alright, you should go.” He whispered. I nodded and he pulled me in for another kiss. He let go and I ran out of the room. I got dressed and went downstairs. I turned on Lilo and Stitch as the boys came into the flat.

“Hey, how was your morning?” Niall asked with a smile.

“Just a normal morning.” I said.

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