8. First Date

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Harry had left for his daily run which the guys didn’t mind. Last night Harry slipped a note under my door it read,

Tomorrow morning, after I leave tell the boys you want sometime to yourself then meet me at Mimi’s Café. Don’t worry about dressing up. Just wear regular clothes and don’t act suspicious. See you then!

                                                Love, Harry

I grabbed a pair of regular jeans and a teal blue shirt. I wrapped a black scarf around my neck and grabbed my black Uggs. I brushed my hair straight and left it down. I put on a bit of makeup and grabbed my bag. I went downstairs and smiled at the boys.

“Where’s the bully?” I sighed.

“He went on his daily run.” Louis told me. I nodded and looked at Niall.

“I’m going to go shopping for an hour or two.” I said.

“Ok, have fun.” Niall smiled. I gave him a hg and left. I got a cab over to Mimi’s and looked around for Harry. Someone came from behind me and pinched my sides. I yelped and turned around to see Harry’s beautiful smile. I laughed at him and shook my head. He kissed me softly then led me to a table. We sat down and he smiled at me.

“What?” I asked.

“You’re pretty.” He whispered.

“Thank you. You’re very pretty yourself. Now hurry up because I have to go shopping after this!” I told him. He nodded and looked at the menu.

“What can I get you today?” The waiter asked.

“Two coffees and I will get the egg, cheese, and ham omelet.” Harry told him.

“And for you?” The waiter said looking at me.

“I will get the pancake stack.” I ordered. The man nodded then walked away.

“So why are you going shopping?” Harry asked.

“I told the guys I was going shopping and if I come home with nothing that’ll be kind of weird, don’t you think.”

“Yeah I guess so. Well could I go shopping with you?”

“I guess but I’m just going to stop by maybe two stores so I won’t be long.”

“If it’s spending more time with you then I don’t care.”

“Niall would kill us if he ever found out that we are dating.”

“Niall won’t find out.”

“And what if he does?”

“He will just have to accept it. I mean what’s the worst he would do? Lecture us then send us to our rooms?”

“I guess you’re right. And he said he just wants me to be happy and I am with you.” I smiled. The waiter came with our food and we finished it in seconds.

“Are you ready to go shopping?” Harry asked.

“Yeah, let’s go.” I said. We paid and left the small café. Harry put on a hood and sunglasses. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. We walked over to Hot Topic and I bought new pants and a pair of Vans. Then we went to Forever 21 and I grabbed a bunch of shirts to try on. I gave Harry a little fashion show until we ended up with four shirts. Harry took them from me and bought them.

“Harry.” I groaned.

“Quiet! I’m buying them!” Harry said sticking his tongue out.

“Wait…like Harry Styles?” the girl at the register asked.

“Um yeah. Please don’t scream! I’m not supposed to be here.” Harry said quietly.

“Are you two dating?!” She asked excitingly.

“No, I’m Niall’s little sister. Me and Harry are just friends, he’s taking me shopping because the other night there was a laundry mishap and he promised he would buy me some new clothes.” I told the girl.

”That’s too bad; you two would make a cute couple.” She shrugged. She put my shirts in a bag and handed it to me. We thanked her and left the store.

“She was nice.” I said.

“I always knew we would be the perfect couple.” Harry grinned.

“What if paparazzi find us? Niall would find out and so would the whole world and we would be toast!” I freaked.

“Makenna, don’t worry. I’m wearing a hood and sunglasses for a reason. Nobody will figure it out.”

“I just don’t want our plan to go down the toilet when it just started.”

“And it won’t! Now I’m going to head to the gym so it looks like I was actually working out.” Harry said. I nodded and sighed.

“I had a great time. I’ll slip you a note tonight or tomorrow.” Harry smiled.

“I had fun too. I’ll be waiting for that note.” I smirked. Harry chuckled ad gave me a soft kiss.

“I’ll see you at the flat.” He said as he walked away. I got a cab back home. When I walked into the door I saw all the boys playing video games.

“Having fun?” I asked.

“No, I keep losing.” Liam pouted.

“Did you have fun?” Niall asked.

“Yeah, I stopped to get some breakfast then went to a couple stores.” I told him.

“Did you see Harry?” Louis asked.

“Why would I see Harry.” I asked.

“He’s been gone for a while. He hasn’t taken this long to work out.” Louis shrugged.

“Well he does have a lot of fat to burn off.” I said, rolling m eyes. The guys didn’t say anything and I headed upstairs. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note to Harry. I walked out and looked for any of the guys. I heard them downstairs so I slipped a note under the door. I quickly stood up and went downstairs. I sat down beside Niall and he smiled at me. I hate lying to him, but I love being with Harry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2014 ⏰

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