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(The picture is just an example of the type of dress you're wearing, it doesn't have to be that color or style or anything, this is an xReader, you make the decisions :D)

You gently tugged at the long, flowing dress that you had worn.

You stared at the floor, a light blush executing in your facial figures.

Peering up for a split moment you looked around the ballroom, spotting several familiar faces. Erza was staring at you.

She was wearing a long red dress, that was tight around her waist and open in the chest region.

Your eyes wandered around and found Lucy, looking as stunning as ever with a black beautiful dress showing off her curves

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Your eyes wandered around and found Lucy, looking as stunning as ever with a black beautiful dress showing off her curves.

Once again you peered down at your own dress

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Once again you peered down at your own dress. You wanted to cry.

I look awful in this dress! What was I thinking?!?! Why did I even come to this stupid thing?? You thought, tears brimming your eyes and blurring you vision.

"I'm an idiot." You whisper to yourself. Turning sharply you started toward the exit, eager to get out of everybody's view. Soon you slammed past the door and kicked off your heels before you started sprinting, parts of your dress balled up in fists.

Tears streamed down your face as you opened a door. You stepped outside, water glistened in a small pond with a trickling little waterfall. A bench was placed at the side as the moon glistened on the water. Slowly you stepped into the garden, lilies and roses surrounding your dress. You hugged yourself, looking up at the moon in silence.

Sudden arms wrapped around your waist, making your stomach knot and twist. A familiar scent filled your nostrils as you exhaled and closed your eyes, realizing who it was.

"You look beautiful." His breath tickled your ear and ran down your neck, making you shiver at its coldness.

Slowly you turned, facing the ice Mage. His Raven hair fell into his dark blue eyes. You smiled at the image.

"There's that smile." He whispered, brushing a strand of your h/c hair out of your face.

A blush heated your cheeks as you looked down at the ground. He grabbed you suddenly, making you gasp. Gray picked you up bridal-style and led you over to the stone bench, where he sat down with you on his lap.

Your blush ignited but you snuggled in closer to him. After a while he pulled away. "Come on, let's dance." He smiled.

"There's no music." You laughed.

"Of course there is." He lifted your chin after you had both stood up. "Listen."

You paused and closed your eyes. The sound of the crickets filled your ears, the sound of horse hooves against cobblestone, Gray's breathing and the quiet sound of laughter and violin from inside all mixed together into a beautiful tempo.

You grinned and looked up at him. He put a hand on your waist, sending new chills up your spine then took your hand as you placed a hand on his shoulder.

You danced and twirled with him, all the while a large grin upon your lips.

Soon you released and sighed, upset the dancing session was over. He raised your chin and stared into you (e/c) eyes.

You peered back, taking in his beautiful features. Wonder and amazement dwelled on your eyes.

"You're amazing." You hadn't even realized you said it until your Ice Mage smiled down at you.

A blush heated your cheeks and you quickly looked down. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

You were interrupted when Gray smashed his cold lips against yours. A gasp escaped you as he put his hands on your hips.

Hesitation filled you, along with surprise but you then wrapped your arms around his neck. He held your face with one hand, as a dark red blushed on your cheeks.

You broke apart, your eyes wide as you stared up at Gray. And just like that he grabbed you and crashed his lips against yours once again.

Gasping again you wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling a smile against your lips.

Again you pulled apart. Your eyes met his beautiful deep blue ones. You placed a hand on his cheek, feeling your mouth open slightly.

You rested your forehead on his and closed your eyes, feeling the Ice Mage's cool breath tickle your skin.

"I'm sorry I never had the courage to-"

"Shhh." You whispered, putting a finger against his cool lips. "I know now, you couldn't have timed it better."

Gray chuckled quietly before pulling you into his strong arms. Resting your head against his toned chest you smiled happily, as you two gently swayed to the music of the night.

The moon shimmered over you as peace cradled you in the form the ice Mage infront of you.

Closing your eyes you sighed contently and smiled, hearing his heart beat sync with your own.


Okay! Thanks for reading this!!!

And I also wanna ask if you could go check out my newest book, it's called The Only One. That would make my day!!!

And as always thanks for reading, and I luv u!

-Porcupine 😇

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