11. (Yandere x Gray)

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Here, Fanfiction557, hope you like it :)


Yandere peered through the beautiful cherry blossom trees, past their trunks and soon spotted Senpai...

The very sight of him made her heartbeat erratically fast and a light swear to bead on her forehead, along with a pink blush dusted across her cheeks.

She stood, peeking at him from behind a tree all lunch... Until a certain tornado head made her way toward him.

Kokona Haruka.

Anger burned in her very soul. She knew many of the girls at her school had a crush on him... But none were brave enough to tell him except Kokona... And Osana.

Yandere hated both of them. Her very being boiled with anger, her hands clasping into bone-shattering fists.

She watched as Kokona nodded, and turned walking away.

Yandere followed promptly, and followed her through the school, dodging into the sewing club to grab a pair of scissors.

Kokona's feet clapped against the tile while Yandere's were silent. Kokona disappeared behind a corner and Yandere followed, only to stop dead in her tracks, practically dropping the scissors which clattered onto the floor violently.

His Raven eyes met mine, and soon enough his dark blue hair fell into his eyes as he turned to glance at Kokona.

Yandere's face slowly heated up as his strong gaze landed on her.

"Hi!" She exclaimed, grabbing his hand in both of her smaller ones and shaking violently.

"Freak." She heard Kokona mutter as she passed by.

The boy glanced down at Yandere, not even making a move to pull away his hand. "And what's your name?"

"Yandere-Chan!" She exclaimed over enthusiastically.

His chuckle was deep and attractive and soon enough made Yandere swoon as she looked up at him.

He made her feel something she thought she could only feel with Senpai... But he was her new Senpai.

"I'm Gray." He said, a smile lighting up his face.

She stared at him, completely and utterly love struck.


Yandere felt a light smile playing at her lips as she watched Gray throw his head back in laughter.

His hair fell perfectly over his eyes as he finally sobered and stared her straight in the eyes.

Her heart began to race at an inhumane pace, she was afraid he could hear it. Yandere felt a heated blush crawl up her neck and cover her cheeks as they stared.

"Yandere..." Gray's voice was low but his gaze never wavered.

"W-what is it g-gray?" She stuttered, the burning blush on her cheeks becoming almost unbearable.

"We've known eachother for only thee months but I feel that it doesn't really matter when a man..." A blush forms on his cheeks. "When a man is in ..."

Yandere's heart was practically exploding. She knew what he was going to say, so she did the thing that she had been dreaming of.

Yandere kissed Gray Fullbuster.

It was soft, beautiful and gentle... But Yandere wanted more. She reached across the table form where they were sitting and clenched the collar of his shirt in her fists.

She pushed forth her undying passion, chills and shivers running down her spine as he grabbed onto her waist.

Electric sparks and fireworks crackled and popped, burning on her skin. But of course, they needed oxygen.

They broke apart, breathing heavily. Both of their eyes were wide, blushes creeping onto their cheeks.

Gray's heavy, minty breaths fanned her heated face.

"I love you." Gray said, cupping her cheek in his hand.

That kiss, was everything she's ever dreamed.

Okay. I'm sorry.
I know.
I haven't updated in forever.
I'm sorry.
Plz don't hurt me.

Gray Fullbuster xReader (One-shots)Where stories live. Discover now