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Here, sorry it took so long! Rebel_Fangirl12

Tears formed in your eyes as you hugged your knees to your chest. It wasn't worth it, you weren't worth it... You didn't have anybody, and that awful feeling clawed deep into your heart. That loneliness ate you inside and out.

The aching pain that seared through you venomously and mercilessly.

It hurt, everything hurt, you felt like you were just waiting to die, just waiting for life to pass you by. You felt like an empty shell with no feelings and al you could do is sit into your dark room and ignore everybody around you.

You used to like going on missions, visiting the guild, swimming... You used to liked to do that, but not anymore. You had the same routine over and over and over again, wake up, eat, sit in your dark room and don't talk to anybody, sleep.

You felt like a robot, repeating the same steps everyday with nothing ever changinrhg. Your days were black and white, without a splash of color.

Your friends never came to see you anymore. Not even Gray... You liked him, in a deeper manor but you knew he would never return those feelings. After all... He had Juvia.

Her name was bitter on your tongue. You stood, faster than you had before and left your room into your small apartment. You weren't going to let Juvia have him, you couldn't let yourself let go of him. So you ran.

You ran faster than you've ever gone before and bust right through the overly large doors of Fairy Tail. The scene that was flourishing right infront of you was a giant fight, almost all of the guild members were in it.

You looked around, and soon enough your (e/c) eyes met a pair of dark blue ones. You stared as your mind started working. You probably looked terrible... And you were standing infront of him.

Juvia was next to him, ignoring your presence. Her had his arm slung around her shoulder, which hurt but you bit back the feeling, only for it to arise again when she placed a kiss on his cheek then kissed his lips.

Her eyes locked with yours the whole time, and you managed to see a slight smirk beneath Gray's lips.

And that was it, that was that. You turned, dropping your head and slouching your shoulders. You exhaled a shakey breath and you closed the guild doors behind you.

As you stalked home you heard pounding footsteps behind you. You slowly turned your head and saw Gray running at full speed to you.

"(Y/n)!" He yelled when he had noticed he caught your attention.

More tears brimmed your swollen eyes so you looked away and sped up, almost to a run.

A cold, but warm hand clasped your slim wrist, pulling you to a complete stop.

You wouldn't look at him, you couldn't.

"(Y/n)...?" He said hesitantly just before pulling you into his arms. "I haven't seen you in forever."

Yanking your wrist hand out of his grip you felt tears streaming down your cheeks. Running up the hill you had been climbing you soon enough saw your small apartment.

Tears blurred your vision. It was humiliating, Juvia knew you cared for Gray, she knew you had been standing right there. You couldn't do it anymore. The moment you entered the building you quickly ran to the kitchen, anger burning within you.

You grabbed the largest knife you had, and studied it as it gleamed in the lights above you. You exhaled many times before you raised it. And that's when the door bust open.

You felt your eyes widen as Gray ran in, his hair a mess, his eyes wide. He stared at you in bewilderment.

"(Y/n)..." He reached out a hand.

"No!" You screamed, tears slipping down your cheeks. "Get out of here, Gray!"

"No, I'm not going to let you do this to yourself." He stated, his brow furrowing.

"Why? You don't care, I don't care, nobody cares!" You screamed, tightening your grip on the blade. "I'm just a waste of space!"

"No you're not!" He yelled, taking the a step closer. "I care about you, I care, (y/n)!"

"Then why didn't you ever visit? The least you could've done is written me a letter!" You cried, leveling the sharp blade at your stomach.

"(Y/n)" his pleading voice broke your heart. As you looked up you saw tears glimmering in his dark Raven eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry and I don't care if you never forgive me, but I cannot let you kill yourself, (y/n)!" His voice was commanding, sorrowful, and hurt.

You stared, your whole face hard. "You're lying." You sneer. "You don't care, you just want the title, you just want to let people know you saved the depressed little girl that nobody ever noticed!" You hadn't even thought about the words until they came out of your mouth.

Then Gray lunged, his full weight knocking you over. You struggled beneath him as he began pinning each of your limbs down.

His hands gripped your wrists, which were soon pinned to the floor. "Drop the knife, (y/n)." He exhaled, his icy breath tickling your skin.

You didn't answer, just kept trying to get out from under him, kicking and grunting with occasional squeals.

"Drop the knife!" He screamed, tightening his grip.

You stopped fighting, opened your eyes and stared into his. "Why?"

"Because I cannot let you die, I-" he exhaled closing his eyes. "I care about you."

More tears brimmed your eyes. "Promise?" You whimpered, not once breaking eye contact.

"I promise." He whispered as you felt your grip loosen and soon you what's the knife clatter to the ground.

Before you realized it, in a sudden movement, Gray's lips were on yours, which made your eyes widen and a blush form on your cheeks.

He buried his face in your hair. "I promise." He mumbled into your hair as you soon felt kisses down your neck. "I promise."

Okay. I know. I'm sorry.
I've been super unmotivated and... Idk but yeah.

I apologize again and plan on writing more!
Thanks for reading, I love you!!

-Porcupine 😉

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