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Sorry for the late update you can blame that on my laziness anyway hope you like it and if you comment I will give you a dedication!!! :D

Love you all

Lorna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hayley's POV

 "It wasn't a date!! Bye!!" Austin yelled on her way to training. As soon as the door clicked I pressed play on my ipod and Midnight Memories came on. I turned it up loud and started dancing. We not really dancing more like jumping around and doing my weird and wonderful dances moves but apparently I look like penguin trying to fly says Austin. She also told me never to dance when I'm out in public with her which is really hard when we go into shops and there's musci playing! I just need to dance!!!!  Union J carry you came on.

"Don't ever say you're lonely
Just lay your problems on me
And I'll be waiting there for you
The stars can be so blinding
When you get tired of fighting
You know the one you can look to

When the vision you have gets blurry
You don't have to worry,
I'll be your eyes
It's the least I can do,
'Cause when I fell, you pulled me through

So you'll know that
I’ll carry you, I’ll carry you, I’ll carry you
So you'll know that
I’ll carry you, I’ll carry you, I’ll carry you

I know it's been a long night, but now I'm here it's alright
I've don't mind walking in your shoes
We'll take each step together, 'til you come back to center
You know that I know the real you

And when the vision you have gets blurry
You don't have to worry,
I'll be your eyes
That's the least I can do,
'Cause when I fell, you pulled me through

So you'll know that
I’ll carry you, I’ll carry you, I’ll carry you
So you'll know that
I’ll carry you, I’ll carry you, I’ll carry you

Like you’ve been running for hours and can’t catch your breath
The demons are screaming so loud in your head
You’re tired, you’re broken, you’re cut and you’re bruised
But nothing’s too heavy – just hold on, I’ll carry you

I’ll carry you

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah [4x]

So you'll know that
I’ll carry you, I’ll carry you, I’ll carry you
So you'll know that-" I sang/screamed but got cut off by someone stopping the music. Damn! People can't understand I want some privacy!!! I looked up and saw Niall standing there.
 I jumped about 10 feet in the air. I put my hand over my racing heart.

"OMG you can't do that!! you scared the crap out of me!" I shreiked.

"It looked like you were enjoying yourself," Niall said smirking.

"Actually I was until someone rudely cut off my music!" I huffed.

"It's weird that you're not actually freaking out on how I got into your house in the first place," Niall said laughing.

"Wait how did you get in? Did you climb up the toilet? Did you find a hamster down there?" I asked him crossing my arms.

"Nope your door was wide open," Niall answered, "and why would I find a hamster?"

"My little cousin came over and he asked if he could play with my hamster and dropped it down the toilet because apparently he was giving it a bath," I answered, "And I thought Austin shut it! I am positive i heard it click!"

"I don't know maybe just check it's closed before blasting your music and looking like a penguin trying to fly," Niall said.

"thats what Austin says my dance moves looked like!" I huffed.

"So why did you come anyway?" I asked.

 "We didn't talk that much at lunch so I thought you would like to get to know each other a bit better," Niall explained.

"Ok first I am going to check my door!" I answered walking to the door and opening it then swinging it closed. I heard it click and stayed there for a second until it slowly opened again. I slammed the door and it clicked and didn't open. There all done!

"So thats done want to play 20 questions?" Niall asked from behind me. I think I jumped about 100 feet in the air as I turned around and I didn't realise he would be so close so I had a second heart attack in the last few minutes.

"You gave me a heart attack! two heart attacks!!" I yelled, "Don't ever do that or I'll have to use my ninja skills on you!" 

 "Sorry!" he apologied.

"And ok! want to come through to the living room?" I asked walking towards the living room.

"Sure," he answered following me.

"You go first," i said.

"Ok what do you like to do in your spare time?" Niall asked. Stalk you with the rest of your fandom!

"Emm I read books," I answered which is kinda true as I read a lot of fanfiction!

"What books?" he asked.

"Well theres this really good one called Dark," I answered. Help me!!

"I don't read much books myself but whats it about?" Niall asked. Harry Styles punk making this girl his and she slowly falls in love with him!

"It's my turn to ask a question!" I argued not wanting to explain dark. Wait what do I ask him that I don't know? I know lots of things about him, "Whats your favourite quote?" I asked.

"'Knowledge cannot replace friendship. I'd rather be an idiot than lose you,' by Patrick (Spongebob Squarepants)," Niall answered, "You?"

"'I wanna eat and eat and eat and eat and eat until I die' by Goofy (Mickey mouse)," I answered.

"haha! why do you like that quote?" Niall asked.

"I feel as if I can relate to it because I JUST FREAKING LOVE FOOD!" I said yelling the last part and jumping up.

"Me too!! high five!" Niall yelled holding his hand out. I high fived it then sat back down.

"So what do you in your spare time?" i asked Niall.

"Sleep," he answered.

"I LOVE SLEEP!" I shout jumping up again. Niall laughed at me and I sat back down again.

"Do you always act like you've just eaten 1000g of sugar?" Niall asked.

"Thats what Austin says," I answered.

"I need ice cream I'll be 2 minutes want some?" I asked.

"No I just ate some ice cream thanks," Niall answered and I went to get some ice cream. I got a big tub of Ben and Jerry's and went back through.

"theres pizza if you wnat it?" I asked.

"Yes please," Niall answered.

"Ok I'll just warm it up!" I said walking into the kitchen.

"No it's fine I'll do it," Niall argued catching up with me.

"Yay thanks I can't cook pizza anyway! Austin cooks for me!" I said.

"Austin is like your mum," Niall said laughing.

"Nope she isn't because I didn't come out her vagina!" I argued and Niall burst out laughing. Tears were soon running down his face from laughing so hard.

"Whats so funny? I was just stating a fact!" I argued.

"You. Vagina!" is all he got out between his laughs.

Once he'd calmed down enough to cook the pizza I went through and got my ice cream I walked back into the kitchen. Niall tried taking some but i moved the tub out his way.

"If you want some you need to get your own tub," I said pouting and holding the tub close to me.

"Fine," Niall grumbled and went back to see the pizza cooking.

Once it was done Niall took it out and placed it on the side while he closed the oven. I grabbed a piece and it was so hot i chucked it in the air and accidently landed in Niall's hair.

"Woops," I said laughing.

"Oh you're gonna get it!" Niall said picking up another peice of pizza and launching it at me.

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