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I am so sorry about the long wait this was meant to be Shannon's chapter but she was ill so me being the amazing person I am decided to write it for her! So here it is best comment gets a dedication

Love you all

Lorna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Austin's POV

It was now a few days after we met the boys at the supermarket and right now Hailey was asleep and I had just woken up. I got changed into leggings and a t shirt as I was going for a jog.

I jogged towards a coffee shop a few streets away and went inside gladly to escape the cold. I sat down and ordered a frappuccino and sat back and waited. As I waited I felt someone's eyes on me and turned round to meet a pair of bright green eyes swimming with mischief.

"Hey I'm Ronan," he said.

"Austin," I answered.

"I knew that I was wondering if you would give this to your little friend Hailey her name is?" He asked and I don't think i like this guy!

"Depends," I answered Hailey is like my little sister and I won't have it if he's horrible to her, "And how do you now our names?"

"You have nametags when you work," he sighed like it was the most obvious thing in the worls and sounded like he was getting impatient, "here," he gave me a bit of paper. I started to open it when he snatched it back.

"It's not for you don't open it," he demanded sounding quite scary.

"Ok calm down bro," I said and got up paying the waitress and going back out. I took a de tour and opened the paper and read it,


I saw you in Tescos that first day and everyday I went there hoping you would be back and you were most days singing dancing around in your work clothes which you totally pull off by the way ; )

I was wondering if you wanted to come on a date with me if you do my numbers at the bottom

Thanks Ronan :D xxxx

* * * * * * * * * * *'

No way he sounds creepy I am not letting Hailey go on a date with that guy however nice his stupid green eyes. I know for a fact Hailey prefers blue eyes on a boy she told me like when we were 5 and she's only ever been out with blue eyed boys she gets attracted to them while I like brown dark eyes on a boy. Hailey and Niall would be a perfect couple I am not giving her this. I might sound selfish but I really don't get a good vibe from him.

I didn't pass any bins on the way so I will have to bin it in the flat. I opened the door and found an urge to pee so I sat the note on the table folded up hoping Hailey wouldn't see it in the two minutes I was away.

My prays weren't answered as I walked back and saw Hailey sitting on the seat reading it.

"A boy wants to go on a date with me," Hailey said looking at me.

"I know and you can't go he isn't very nice," I said.

"I can go on it if i like," Hailey said, "What colour are his eyes?"

"Red and black like the Devils," I answered and Hailey gave me a furious look.

"Really Austin sounds like your starting to be a bitch," Hailey said taking out her phone and typing what I suppose Ronan's number.

"Hailey really I mean it he's not a nice person don't get mixed up with him," I told her.

"I can go if I want and you're not ging to stop me," Hailey fumed stomping off leaving the note on the coffee table before stomping back snatching up the note and leaving.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!" I yelled after her.

"Hey is this Ronan?" I heard her ask.

"Hey it's Hailey...... " she started but I blocked her out and went into my room and chose some clothes then went into the shower.

I came back out and Hailey was still in her room as I heard her mumbling away on the phone.

"Tonight at 11 right?" Hailey was obviously checking the time of her date with that guy Ronan was it? I rolled my eyes and thought of something. Hailey was still my best friend even though she was annoying at some points. I slipped on my shoes and left a note saying I would be out and walked out the door and into my car. I had just recently passed my driving test and set off towards the boys house.

"Hello!" Louis yelled as he opened the door. He started looking behind me for Hailey I presume.

"Guys it's Austin!" Louis yelled back into the house, "Where's Hailey?" he said stopping shouting.

"In her room I think," I answered, "Louis would it be ok if I took Niall for a bit I need to talk to him about something important?"

"Niall! Austin wants you!" Louis yelled then started laughing at his own dirty comment.

"Not like that!" I said hitting him lightly on the chest and walking inside.

"Intruder! Intruder!" Louis yelled behind me. I walked into their living room and saw the boys sitting watching Spongebob on the TV.

"Hey guys," I said and they all mumbled a 'hi' back their eyes still glued to the TV.

"Niall could I talk to you?" I asked him.

"Once this is done," he answered.

"Ok," I answered and sat down to watch Spongebob with them.

"Wait where's Hailey?" Niall asked his eyes drifting from the Tv to glance around the room.

"Probably in the flat," I answered.

"Why didn't she come?" Niall asked.

"She was too busy," I answered.

"What was she doing?" Niall asked.

"Stop asking all these questions about Hailey ok I don't know!" I said a bit too harshly cause Niall quickly shut his mouth and went back to the TV. I felt bad but I don't want to be reminded of our argument earlier.

"Did you two have an argument?" Zayn asked now everyone was looking at me. I nodded and glued my eyes to the screen but I could still feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Zayn asked.

"Thats actually why I came here to talk to Niall," I answered and saw the hurt in Zayn's eyes and I felt really bad.

Zayn's POV

Stupid Niall why does she want to talk to him?? Why why not me?? What does Niall have that I don't apart from his irish accent, blue eyes and blonde hair! Thats why!!

"What did you fight about?" I blurted out, "sorry you don't need to answer that," I corrected myself.

"We fought about a boy," she answered. I bet they fought about Niall I mean look at him then me, "And no it wasn't Niall it was another boy Ronan," she added answering my silent thought.

Austin's POV

I lead Niall into another room in the house making sure no one was listening through the door I locked the door and turned to Niall.

"I need your help in my plan to crash Hailey's date will you be willing to help I know you like her so what d'you say?!" I asked.

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