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Hiiiiiii so so so so so so so sooooooooo sorry that this is super late I've been back and forth from the hospital since like February so yeah But here it is hope you enjoy it

Love Shannon xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Austin's P.O.V

It had been a week since Hayley's date with that Ronan guy . I really didn't like him at all !!! I mean he was kinda an ass in a lottle ways (lottle is like a little but a lot) . Anyway I was now sat on my bed with all of my study notes out and my easel sat next to my bed with an empty canvass on it , I was trying to get my head round all the different styles of paint work that different artists had used over the years and I had to a choose one then paint someone in that style . But it's really hard , then my mobile buzzed snapping me out of my thoughts . It was a text and it was from Zayn .

From Zayn : Hay Austin wanna go out for a bit ?? X

To Zayn : Yeah sure x

From Zayn : Pick you up in ten x

I quickly got off my bed and got changed into some skinny jeans , a black vest top , my black, a pair of combat boots and my leather jacket then put my hair into a quick fishtail braid and exactly ten minuets later I received a text from Zayn saying he was out side . After I replied to the text with a simple 'Ok x' and grabbing my small drawing pad , I quickly ran down stairs to meet Zayn after I locked the door to the flat .

"Hi Zayn !" I smiled as I saw him at the entrance to the flat block .

"Hi Austin , I'm guessing you like the colour black ?" He asked joking as he looked at my outfit head to toe .

"Maybe I do maybe I don't , how's you any way ?" I replied as we started to walk .

"I'm good thanks , I fancy getting another tattoo today !" He casually said .

"Coolio , me to " I agreed . We didn't say much after that , both Zayn and I walked in a comfortable silence till we reached the tattoo parlour , after we were in the parlour Zayn was quickly escorted to a privet room by the tattoo artist .

"Hey , Austin is it ??" I heard a voice ask from infront of me . I looked up ,

"oh hey Johnny , how's you ?"

"Yeah good thanks , yourself ??" He replied happily .

"Yeah same" I replied "Johnny , do you mind doing me another tattoo . I know I'm not 18 yet but I'm close enough to it ?" He waited a few minutes before replying "sure why not ?"

What you thinking of getting ?"

"You know the papa roach song scars ? Well I was thinking of getting the first verse of it on my thigh ??" I explained .

"Wicked idea hunni , gimme fiveish minutes to draw it up and we can get you inked up !!" He smiled and headed to the light box to draw it up . He returned five minutes later with the sketch in his hand . "Austy likey ??"

"Austy love !!" I grinned . We walked into a privet room the same one where Zayn was just getting some finishing touches to his tattoo done . I quickly unbuckled me jeans a rolled them down to slightly above my knees and Johnny applied the tracing paper to my skin . As soon as I heard the needle buzzing I started grinning . I love that sound. I shut my eyes and all to soon I heard Johnny's voice say

"all done Austy , wash it when you get home and remember to put E45 on it twice a day . Meet you 'round front once you get sorted !" I quickly pulled my jeans up , carefully not to catch the cling film which protected my new ink . After that I made my way round front where I saw Zayn standing next to the desk . I went to get my purse out my pocket to pay for my tattoo when Zayn quickly took a twenty pound note out on the table .

"My gift to you ." He smirked . I didn't want to argue ,

"Fine . Where do you want to go now ?"

"The park , just to hang out you know ?" He asked nervisoly

"Yeah sure . I love the park !!" I smiled . We quickly left the parlour after I said goodbye to Johnny . We soon reached the park and took a seat on the swing set . We sat in a comfortable silence just like at the beach .

"When do your exams start ?" He asked swaying back and forth on the swing .

"In two days" I groaned . I was not looking forward to it .

"What exams you doing ??"

"Maths , English lit , history , art , music , admin and Spanish ."

"Good luck with that hunni ." He wished .

"Thanks!" . We sat and chatted for a while about some really weird things , soon enough it was five o'clock and it started raining . We started laughing even hared that we were originally and started to race each other back to my apartment block , and me being smart I tripped up and got covered in mud . And so did Zayn . Once we reached my block and climbed the three flights of stairs one of the woman who lives across the hall from myself and Hayley saw us .

"Good grief !!" She mumbled while giving us a disapproving look .

"Shut up Martha ." I mumbled back . I took Zayns hand as I pushed passed her and walked into my apartment . "I'm back Hayley !!!"

Beach Boy (very slow updates)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora