Chapter 10

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I Know very very very long time since we've updated! We are going to try update every Sunday I hope you like the chapter. Best comment gets a dedication.

Love you all

Lorna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hayley's POV
"I'm Back Hayley!" Austin called out.
"What?!?!" I  yelled running and skidding to a halt in from of Austin and Zayn with my mouth hanging open. They were covered in mud! What on earth were they doing??
"Yes?" Austin asked sounding unsure glancing at my face then peering around me.
"I stayed quiet all afternoon so you could study for exams and you weren't even here! I could have had a DANCE PARTY!!" I said pointing an accusing finger at her.
"Sorry we got tattoos," Austin replied, "You could have came and got one too,"
"No way I am never ever stepping foot in that place again to get a needle stuck in me," I said. We all walked inside closing the door.
"I' sorry but we can't sit on the couch. We need to shower first you can use Hayley's and I think one of my brother's left some clthes here you can try them," Austin said to Zayn.
"Hey! Who said he could use my shower?" I asked pouting.
"I am so very sorry Hayley would it be ok if Zayn used your shower to clean mud off his body?" Austin asked sarcastically.
"Of course Malik just don't use my rainbow shampoo kay?" I told him.
"Thanks Hayley and I won't use your rainbow shampoo," Zayn said.
"Ok there is some strawberry stuff in the cupboard in my bathroom use that. You might have to dig in the cupboard for it though!" I told him and they went off to get showered and changed.
I walked into the kitchen and gasped.
"AUSTIN HOW DARE YOU MAKE THIS MESS!" I shouted and Austin came rushing through.
"Why is there cereal spilt all over the counter?" she asked.
"It was Zayn," I said.
"Zayn was with me?"
"It was us wasn't it?"
"Whaaaatt? noo never!"
"It was it better be clean by the time I get out the shower!" Austin left the room so I decided to do what I am famous for! Dance party clean up. I turned my music up and started singing and cleaning.

" You tell me that you're sad and lost your way
You tell me that your tears are here to stay
But I know you're only hiding
And I just wanna see you

You tell me that you're hurt and you're in pain
And I can see your head is held in shame,
But I just wanna see you smile again
See you smile again

But don't burn out
Even if you scream and shout
It'll come back to you
And I'll be here for you

Oh, I will carry you over fire and water for your love
And I will hold you closer
Hope your heart is strong enough
When the night is coming down on you
We will find a way through the dark

I wish that I could take you to the star
I'd never let you fall and break your heart
And if you wanna cry or fall apart
I'll be there to hold you

You tell me that you heard it's all in vain
But I can see your heart can love again
And I remember you laughing
So let's just laugh again

But don't burn out
Even if you scream and shout
It'll come back to you, back to you

Oh, I will carry you over fire and water for your love
And I will hold you closer
Hope your heart is strong enough
When the night is coming down on you
We will find a way through the dark

And you don't need
You don't need to run
And you will see it's easy to be loved
I know you wanna be loved

Oh, I will carry you over fire and water for your love

Oh, I will carry you over fire and water for your love
And I will hold you closer
Hope your heart is strong enough
When the night is coming down on you
We will find a way through the dark

(Oh, I would, oh, I would)
Oh, I will carry you over fire and water for your love
And I will hold you closer
Hope your heart is strong enough
When the night is coming down
We will find a way through the dark " I sang before the next song came on with me cleaning up as I danced from surface to surface.

"Hey Hayley is Austin still in the shower?" the music stopped and a voice said. I jumped.

"What is it with you boys and turning off my music and giving me heart attacks!?" I flung round to face him.
"What other boys?" Zayn asked.
"Niall," I answered putting away the packet of cereal looking at the now cereal free kitchen.
"What was he doing here?" Zayn asked.
"He just came to visit without telling me!" I said shrugging my shoulders.
"Still in shower,"
"By the way I reaslised why you said I needed to dig for the right shampoo how many rainbow shampoos does one person need?" Zayn asked.
"Haha funny story. They were going to stop selling it in Tescos so they put it all cheap so i bought it all on deal cause I might've never got any again but i pleaded with the manager to let us keep it and he finally agreed so all that was on deal."
"You are in love with that shampoo!"
"It was a very traumatic time in my life when they said they weren't going to sell it!" I said clutching my heart.
"Ok so you and Niall?" Zayn said wiggling his eyebrows.
"I don't need a man to make it happen
I get off being free
I don't need a man to make me feel good
I get off doing my thing
I don't need a ring around my finger
To make me feel complete
So let me break it down
I can get off when you ain't around

You know I got my own life
And I bought everything that's in it
So if you want to be with me
It ain't all about the bling you bringing
I want a love that's for real
And without that, no deal
And baby I don't need a hand
If it only wants to grab-
Oh hello Niall" my singing got stopped short by Niall entering the room.
"Lovely singing," Niall said.
"I heard that wasn't the first time you walked into her singing," Zayn said throwing a questioning look at Niall. Niall went red.
"I was just dropping by to say hello," Niall said.
"How did you get in?" I asked suspiciously.
"Austin let me in she's just gone to get her phone," Niall said.
"Yeah you two obviously didn't hear the door because of your schreeching," Austin joked.
"I do not schreech I sing!"

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