Chapter 12

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Hayley's POV

"Austin you ok?" I asked her as she groggily sat up.

"Yeah fine," she said, "water?"

"Ok," I yelled already going into the kitchen grabbing a glass and filling it with water.

What happened was Zayn went and collected Austin from school despite mebeing her parental gardian god that boy! Anyway so Zayn brought her back here and she came round (after I tipped water on her head to make sure she wasn't dying! I think I may have gone a little overboard with my "OMG SHE'S DYEEEING HELP US PLEASE WAAAATTTERR, BUCKKEEEETTTT, ICCEEE!!!") and we decided to let her go to sleep as her exam was almost done.

Her phone started to ring and I ran across the room to get it.

"Hey ZAAAYYYNNNN!!!" I shouted into the phone.

"Hello Hayley. How's Austin?" he asked.

"She is better and I am very excellent thank you very much for asking!" I told him.

"Sorry Hayley how are you?" he asked laughing.

"Good good!" I said.

"Can she come over?" he asked.

"Hmm as her parental guardian I am in charge of making sure she is better fully before going out so I don't think she is steady enough on her feet right now maybe in a week she will have a full recovery," I told him as Austin whined from across the room.

"Hayleyyyyyyyy!!" she whined, "let me go out pleeeeeeaaase!"

"Fine is everyone there or just you?" I asked.

"Just me the other boys are out shopping so I was wondering if she wanted to come over," he said.

"Ok she'll be there in 5," I ended with a chipper note and ran across the Austin.

"I will leave you to get ready for your Prince Charming," I said winking then laughed as I saw her go bright red. I walked down the hall into our kitchen and looked in our fridge then cupboards. I took out a cheesestring from the fridge along with a frube and peeled the cheesestring eating strand by strand until Austin came out.

"Why do you eat it like that? Why dont you just bite it?" she asked staring disgustingly at my eating habits. I just shrugged and carried on.

"I'm going ok I will be back for dinner and I will phone you if I am not ok?" Austin said before walking out the door shutting it quietly behind her. I got up deciding to go shopping.

I grabbed my keys and jacket slipped on my shoes before skipping out the door letting it swing shut behind me. I skipped to the supermarket around the corner and walked through the doors and entered the supermarket before grabbing a trolley and pushing it in.

I stared at the shelves as I walked past not paying attention to where I pushed the trolley until I crashed into someone else's we both looked up and said "Sorry!" at the same time before staring for a second and...

"HAYLEY!!!" Louis schreeched.

"LOUIS!" I schreeched back.

A man walking by gave us a disaproving look but he could stand there staring at us all day for all we cared.

"How are you?" Liam asked.

"Excellent truly splendid how are you?" I asked.

"Good where's Austin?" he asked.

"Having sex with Zayn," I said and they all looked at me. "She's with Zayn in an empty apartement anything could happen,"

After a few moments I added, "That reminds me of a song!"

"Anything could happen
Anything could happen
Anything could

Baby, I'll give you everything you need
I'll give you everything you need, oh
I'll give you everything you need
But I don't think I need you

Stripped to the waist
We fall into the river
Cover your eyes
So you don't know the secret
I've been trying to hide
We held our breath
To see our names are written
On the wreck of '86
That was the year
I knew the panic was ov-"

"Ok Hayley that's enough," Harry said, "We get the picture,"

"How dare you interrupt my singing you worthless peasant!" I shouted jokingly pointing a threatening finger at him.

"Sorry," he apologised before I burst into laughter clutching my sides and hanging on to the trolley so i don't fall over.

"I heard Austin fainted how is she?" Niall asked.

"Good better brilliant," I threw a few adjectives at him.

"That's good. Are you coming over after shopping?" Niall asked.

"No sorry I have something to do then go to work but tomorrow maybe?" I asked.

"Yeah sure," he said.

"Ok byeeeeee!" I said.


"Bye Hayley," the rest of them chorused.

I carried on shopping.


"Hayley what is this?" Austin walked in.

"Fruit," I answered.

"And why is it all over our apartement?"

"Because I put it there,"


"Fruit is good brain food for your exams,"

"Thank you Hayley but what did you do with all the sweets and other unhealthy stuff?" she looked through the cupboards.

I shrugged blushing.

"You hid them in your room for midnight snacks didn't you?"

"Maybe," I answered, "Got to dash to work wouldn't like to be late you know!"



"Hayley will you please be a little quieter stocking shelves you are disturbing the customers," my boss sighed but I could see a flicker of a smile on her lips.

"Yes ma'am," I saluted her and got bac;k to work singing a little quieter to the radio over heard and dancing to the different shelves placing packs of items in the right place.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2014 ⏰

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