Chapter 11

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Hiiiiiiiii im so freaking sorry im late again, I really have no excuse this time sorry but here is Austin at the beginning her big exam week. Love yous Shannon xxxxxxx

Austin's P.O.V (Two Days Later)

Oh god todays my art and administration exam. 'It's okay, it's okay its just two exams' I mentally reassured myself. "Darling your okay. " Anna smiled at me. "Thanks love. I just can't help but be nervous you know, if I don't pass these I can't go to uni." I shrugged and continued to look through my instagram feed and see pictures of my elder sisters 25th birthday party. "I know that babes but at least your doing more than one exam!" She mumbled. "This is our stop." I said collecting my back standing up and going to the bus doors , Anna following suite. Once we reached the school and singed in at the office we stood out side of the examination hall. "Admin first then art at 1:45 ?" Anna asked. "Aye yeah, meet you at the caf after art ?"I nodded. "Sweet okay. You ready hun ?" "As ready as I'll ever be. " -After The Exam- "Christ that was one of the hardest things ever !!" I exclaimed once I left the hall. "Calm your tits it was only A standard. " Anna laughed. "Calm your tits it was only A standard." I mimicked. "Oi cheeky, so we have a couple hours so at just have a look around ?" She smiled. Once we'd walked around for a bit I heard blink 182's "what's my age again" playing from one of the shops , I gave Anna that 'look' "I took her out. It was a Friday night I wore cologne to get the feeling right We started making out, and she took off my pants But then I turned on the TV...."

Once we had finished our 'little' performance and calmed down we decided to go to the caff. "You looking forward to your admin exam ?" Anna asked once we had sat down.

"Yeah and no. Im scared of it being honest. " I said while stirring my coffee.

"You'll be fine, plus remember the party on Saturday night. "She smiled sipping her chocolate shake.

"Oh yeah buzzing for that, I'm still getting ready at yours ?"

"Of course you are !!! I need you to do my make up properly. " Anna shrugged.

"Yuppie I do." I paused,"who's hosting the party ?"

"Darren Sterling, your ex." She mumbled shyly.

"Oh god." I mumbled.

"Sorry?" Anna finally spoke after a couple minutes of awkward silence.

"Its cool, he does throw pretty awesome party's though." I shrugged.

"True true."

After we left the caff we decided to have a quick window shop at top shop and river Island and all I heard for that following 45 mins all I heard was

"ooooh thats cute!" Or "do you think I'll look cheap in this dress?". Sadly 1:30 came along and had to leave to get to school on time for the art exam.

--at the exam--

Oh man , oh man I really don't feel good I've got a couple until the exam is over and my minds gone blank and I really don't feel well I can't breathe. Brilliant a freaking panic attack. Then I black out.

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