New Championship

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*Michael Cole's POV*

"Welcome everyone to Night of Champions!" I said enthusiastically. "We have a great set of matches tonight! We have Alberto Del Rio verses Rob Van Dam, the tag team turmoil winners verses The Shield for the tag team championships, Dolph Ziggler verses Dean Ambrose for the United States Championship, CM Punk verses Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel in a Handicap elimination match, Daniel Bryan verses Randy Orton for the WWE Championship, and we also just got an announcement by WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus about the Divas match tonight between AJ Lee, Nikki Bella and Imigie."

I suddenly heard a familiar song play and the crowd began cheering loudly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome WWE Hall of Famer, Trish Stratus!"

I noticed that there was a table and something being covered by a cloth. I stared at it curiously, wondering what it would be for.

*Stephanie McMahon's POV*

I had gotten ready because I had a big announcement for all of the Divas. We had an hour of bringing in Trish to present something new to them.

It didn't take long until all of the girls to show up and I was ready to give them the news.

"Ladies," I said. "Today is Night of Champions and tonight is a special night. AJ Lee, Nikki Bella and Imigie will be competing in a Divas match for a title that will first be a introduced by Hall of Famer Trish Stratus. From now on, you will no longer be Divas. You will be simply Superstars. Congratulations ladies, you have fought hard for this moment and especially-"

I turned to Imigie's direction then pointed at her, smiling.

"You, Imigie. You have been the big advocate for this change and we are very proud of that. Anyway, ladies, you have amazed me out there and I am ready to see you shine out there and like Imigie, hoping to put you against the men. This will be a new evolution in women's wrestling."

All of the women clapped with smiles on their faces, especially Kaitlyn and Imigie. I couldn't be more proud.

The other ladies wen ahead but I stopped Imigie just for a few words.

"Oh and by the way Imigie," I said to her. "Cody has already settled a date for his return. Two weeks before Battleground, on Monday Night Raw."

She nodded then smiled, seemingly approving what I had said as I then let her go to change into her gear for tonight. As far as the match tonight, I was definitely rooting for Imigie. I also heard somewhere that Imigie was the favorite to win. I just hoped that would keep being the case.

*Michael Cole's POV*

Trish Stratus's music stopped and the crowd slowly quiet down their cheering. Now I was ready to hear what she had to say.

"It is so good to see you, WWE Universe," she said, smiling. "It is truly my honor to be standing here because the reason I am here is for a special announcement. Our women, commonly known as WWE Divas, have been working hard to prove to you that they are worth more than eye candy. Tonight, we have three women who will be fighting for a special prize. AJ Lee, Nikki Bella and Imigie. From now on, all of these women will no longer be Divas. They will be simply Superstars. And also, I present to you a new prize for the women to fight for tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the WWE Women's Championship."

Trish took off the cloth and what was revealed to be a shiny new belt. The base was fairly small. Most of it was silver but with a slight glint of pink. The strap of the belt was black.

In the front, it had WWE Women's Championship. I couldn't help but not stop staring at it. It was so beautiful. No one really knew that I had despised the Divas title but this title was looking very beautiful and I was ready for that match but I had to wait for the first few matches to start.

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