Bella Bombed

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*Imigie's POV*

Nikki turned to the titantron, looking distracted. It was as if she had completely stopped paying attention to me being there at all.

"Oh really? You're back?" she said, sounding bored.

Cody's music stopped playing at the same time when a plan came into my head. Something that would catch Nikki off guard. Something unpredictable.

I positioned myself to give Nikki a torture rack submission. And as I was expecting, Nikki didn't turn back.

That was when it happened. I picked Nikki up then put her in the torture rack submission.

The crowd riled up, possibly louder than I was anticipating. The crowd was really loud to the point that I could barely hear Nikki's screams of agony but I made sure to keep my focus on.

It wasn't long when I felt someone tapping on my back. I knew who it was and why it was happening. Nikki Bella had tapped, signaling the end of the match, also solidifying my victory.

I almost didn't even notice Cody and the referee standing on either side of me as the referee handed me the Women's Championship and the women's half of the mixed tag title belts.

"Here is your winner by submission, Imigie!"

Although I was happy for the victory, it wasn't over yet. Cody Rhodes was back and now there was a new fight. One to Hell In A Cell, we were coming.

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