All I want For Christmas Is Him

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Spencer and Toby are still broken up, everything with -A.D. ended, it was Erice, for the one who doesn't remember Erice, he's Noel's big brother, we saw him in season 3, anyways, Spencer is back at Washington D.C. and is working her new job. Today the ''Santa Claus'' is coming there and no one knows who's the Santa is and the Santa doesn't know where he's going and most important, who he's gonna see again.

*Christmas Eve*

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Ugh! I hate that sound! Spencer thought. Spencer woke up, did her morning routine and made her warm hot, dark, stong coffee. While drinking, she reads a mail her boss send her late last night:

Dear co-worker,

I just wanted to warn you that there will be a Santa Claus coming and will go in each room to have a quick talk with each of you. I hope you'll like it! Enjoy your day!

- The Boss

Spencer rolled her eyes when she readed it. She hasn't had a nice Christmas since Toby left her. Oh Toby, how much she misses him. The last time they talked was 3 months ago, about the kiss they shared. But she said it was just a Goodbye Kiss but she wanted it to be more. After the accident, Toby broke up with Yvonne because he still loved one special girl that he can't stop thinking about.

Spencer put her shoes on and drived at her work. She HATES her boss, he has a little thing on her and she hates it when he flirts with her.
When she entered the building, she imediatly saw the huge, big Christmas tree in the lobby.

"Hello, Mr. Thomas!" she greeeted her boss with the best fake smile.

"Well hello, Miss. Hastings. You look so pretty today! How are you?" Mr. Thomas asks her.

Spencer rolled her eyes but smiled and said "Thanks, and 'm doing just fine. How about you?"

"Fine, thank you for asking." her annoyed boss answered.

"So when is the Santa coming?" The brunette asked after a uncomfotable silence.

Her boss looks down at his wirst watch, "He'll be here in a good 30 min."

"Ok, then I guess I should go back to my office." Spencer said, really anted to leave.

"Of course" Her boss smiles and winks at her.

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